Feature Articles by Catalogue Number

Show details for 1. General1. General
Show details for 2. Census of Population and Housing2. Census of Population and Housing
Show details for 3. Demography3. Demography
Show details for 4. Social Statistics4. Social Statistics
Show details for 46. Environment46. Environment
Show details for 5. National Accounts, International Trade and Finance5. National Accounts, International Trade and Finance
Show details for 6. Labour Statistics and Prices6. Labour Statistics and Prices
Show details for 7. Agriculture7. Agriculture
Hide details for 8. Secondary Industry and Distribution8. Secondary Industry and Distribution
Hide details for 81. Industry wide statistics81. Industry wide statistics
8101.0Expenditure on R&D - How Does Australia Compare Internationally?Nov 1999
8126.0Foreign Ownership Characteristics of Information Technology Businesses in Australia (Feature Article)2000-2001
8140.0The Accommodation, cafes and restaurants Industry 1999-2000 (Feature Article)1999-2000
Show details for 85 - 86. Service industries85 - 86. Service industries
Show details for 87. Building and construction87. Building and construction
Show details for 84. Mining84. Mining