Feature Articles by Catalogue Number

Show details for 1. General1. General
Show details for 2. Census of Population and Housing2. Census of Population and Housing
Show details for 3. Demography3. Demography
Show details for 4. Social Statistics4. Social Statistics
Show details for 46. Environment46. Environment
Show details for 5. National Accounts, International Trade and Finance5. National Accounts, International Trade and Finance
Hide details for 6. Labour Statistics and Prices6. Labour Statistics and Prices
Show details for 61. Labour statistics - general61. Labour statistics - general
Show details for 62. Labour force62. Labour force
Show details for 63. Earnings, hours and employment conditions63. Earnings, hours and employment conditions
Hide details for 64. Prices64. Prices
6401.070 years of the Australian Consumer Price Index (Feature Article)Sep 2018
6401.0Australian Dietary Guidelines Price Indexes (Feature Article)Dec 2015
6401.0Consumer spending patterns and price change: How does electricity compare (Feature Article)Mar 2017
6401.0Measuring Price Change of Attached Dwellings in the CPI (Feature Article)Dec 2016
6401.0Potential Impact of Tropical Cyclone Debbie on the CPI (Feature Article)Mar 2017
6401.0Review of the Consumer Price Index International Trade Exposure Series (Feature Article)Sep 2016
6401.0The Australian CPI: A Contemporary Measure of Household Inflation (Feature Article)Sep 2017
6401.0The average size and proportion of price changes in the CPI (Feature Article)Sep 2017
6416.0Experimental Other Dwellings Price Index (Feature Article)Jun 2012
6416.0Implementation of the ABS Residential Property Price Index Review Outcomes (Feature Article)Mar 2015
6416.0Outcomes of the ABS Residential Property Price Index Review (Feature Article)Sep 2014
6416.0The Australian Residential Property Market (Feature Article)Sep 2015
6427.0ABS liaison - Residential construction (Feature Article)Dec 2016
6427.0Introducing the producer price indexes, domestic gas extraction series (Feature Article)Sep 2017
6427.0Producer Price Index for ANZSIC 3109 Other Heavy and Civil Engineering Construction (Feature Article)Sep 2016
6427.0Review of the Retail Trade Price Index (Feature Article)Sep 2016
6467.0What role does housing play in the Consumer Price Index and Selected Living Cost Indexes (Feature Article)Mar 2017
6470.0.55.002Quality Change in the Australian CPI (Feature Article)2019
Show details for 65. Consumer income and expenditure65. Consumer income and expenditure
Show details for 7. Agriculture7. Agriculture
Show details for 8. Secondary Industry and Distribution8. Secondary Industry and Distribution
Show details for 84. Mining84. Mining