Feature Articles by Catalogue Number

Show details for 1. General1. General
Show details for 2. Census of Population and Housing2. Census of Population and Housing
Show details for 3. Demography3. Demography
Show details for 4. Social Statistics4. Social Statistics
Show details for 46. Environment46. Environment
Show details for 5. National Accounts, International Trade and Finance5. National Accounts, International Trade and Finance
Hide details for 6. Labour Statistics and Prices6. Labour Statistics and Prices
Hide details for 61. Labour statistics - general61. Labour statistics - general
6105.0A comparison of the Census and the Labour Force Survey (Feature Article)July 2013
6105.0Aggregate Monthly Hours WorkedJuly 2010
6105.0Aggregate Monthly Hours Worked: States and Territories (Feature Article)Apr 2011
6105.0Census and the Labour Force Survey (Feature Article)Oct 2007
6105.0Changes in types of employment (Feature Article)Oct 2004
6105.0Changes in where people work over time (Feature Article)Oct 2006
6105.0Changes to ABS measures of employee remuneration (Feature Article)Jan 2007
6105.0Changes to labour force survey seasonal adjustment processes (Feature Article)Jan 2004
6105.0Characteristics of underemployed workers (Feature Article)Apr 2003
6105.0Children Living Without an Employed Parent (Feature Article)Jul 2004
6105.0Comparing unemployment and the claimant count (Feature Article)Jan 2009
6105.0Comparison of ABS measures of employee remuneration (Feature Article)Oct 2005
6105.0Do job vacancies provide a leading indicator of employment growth? (Feature Article)Apr 2003
6105.0Duration of underutilisation (Feature Article)Apr 2010
6105.0Employment in information and communication technology (Feature Article)Jan 2004
6105.0Employment in information and communication technology (ICT) (Feature Article)Jan 2005
6105.0Employment measures (Feature Article)July 2013
6105.0Experimental estimates of the average age at labour force withdrawal (Feature Article)Jan 2005
6105.0Experimental volume measures of labour underutilisation (Feature Article)Jul 2003
6105.0Extended labour force underutilisation rateJul 2009
6105.0Extended labour force underutilisation rate (Feature Article)July 2013
6105.0Fact Sheet: Employment classifications (Feature Article)July 2011
6105.0Fact Sheet: Employment or jobs - what does the Labour Force Survey measure? (Feature Article)Oct 2011
6105.0Fifty Years of Labour Force: Now and then (Feature Article)Oct 2011
6105.0Fly-in Fly-out (FIFO) Workers (Feature Article)July 2013
6105.0Full-time and part-time participation in the Australian labour force: a cohort analysis (Feature Article)Jul 2005
6105.0Health, disability, age and labour force participation (Feature Article)Apr 2005
6105.0Historical labour underutilisationJul 2009
6105.0How does the ABS measure unemployment (Feature Article)July 2014
6105.0Improvements to Labour Force estimates (Feature Article)Apr 2004
6105.0Independent ContractorsJul 2009
6105.0Interstate Commuters (Feature Article)Oct 2008
6105.0Job flexibility of casual employees (Feature Article)Apr 2009
6105.0Job Search Experience of Unemployed PeopleJul 2006
6105.0Job search experience: methods and barriers in finding jobs (Feature Article)Apr 2004
6105.0Job starters (Feature Article)Oct 2005
6105.0Jobless Families (Feature Article)Jan 2009
6105.0Jurisdictional coverageJul 2009
6105.0Jurisdictional Coverage of Pay-Setting Arrangements (Feature Article)Jan 2008
6105.0Labour force participation in Australia (Feature Article)Jan 2005
6105.0Labour force participation: international comparison (Feature Article)Jan 2004
6105.0Labour Force Survey Regions (Feature Article)Jul 2004
6105.0Labour Force TransitionsJul 2006
6105.0Labour hire workers (Feature Article)Jan 2010
6105.0Labour market transitions of teenagers (Feature Article)Oct 2003
6105.0Labour Outcomes of Migrants (Feature Article)Jan 2006
6105.0Labour Underutilisation (Feature Article)Jul 2004
6105.0Long-term unemployment (Feature Article)Jan 2006
6105.0Mature age people and the labour force (Feature Article)Oct 2004
6105.0Measures of Casual Employment (Feature Article)Oct 2008
6105.0Methods of setting payOct 2009
6105.0Migrant Data in ABS Labour Statistics (Feature Article)July 2013
6105.0Part-Time and Casual Employment (Feature Article)July 2013
6105.0People who work few hours (Feature Article)Apr 2005
6105.0Population, Participation and Productivity - Contributions to Australia's Economic Growth (Feature Article)Jan 2004
6105.0Population, participation and productivity: contributions to Australia's economic growth (Feature Article)Jul 2005
6105.0Quarterly Labour Force Underutilisation Rate (Feature Article)Jul 2008
6105.0Retirement Intentions (Feature Article)Jan 2009
6105.0Retrenched unemployed people (Feature Article)Apr 2010
6105.0Retrenchments (Feature Article)July 2014
6105.0Shift Workers (Feature Article)Oct 2010
6105.0Spotlight – Available labour of the unemployedOct 2007
6105.0Spotlight – Employment Type (Feature Article)Jul 2008
6105.0Spotlight – First Job Starters (Feature Article)Jan 2008
6105.0Spotlight – Maternity Leave (Feature Article)Jul 2008
6105.0Spotlight – Underemployed Workers (Feature Article)Jul 2008
6105.0Spotlight – Volume Measures of Labour Underutilisation (Feature Article)Jul 2008
6105.0Spotlight Labour Underutilisation (Feature Article)Apr 2009
6105.0Spotlight on Country of Birth (Feature Article)Apr 2004
6105.0Spotlight on Employment TypeJul 2006
6105.0Spotlight on employment type (Feature Article)Oct 2005
6105.0Spotlight on employment type (Feature Article)Jul 2007
6105.0Spotlight on Industrial Disputes (Feature Article)Jul 2004
6105.0Spotlight on Methods of Setting Pay (Feature Article)Apr 2004
6105.0Spotlight on Multiple Job Holders (Feature Article)Apr 2004
6105.0Spotlight on occupation (Feature Article)Apr 2004
6105.0Spotlight on Parental Leave (Feature Article)Apr 2004
6105.0Spotlight on Underutilisation (Feature Article)Jan 2009
6105.0Spotlight: Annual measures of labour underutilisation (Feature Article)Apr 2005
6105.0Spotlight: Employee share schemes (Feature Articles)Jul 2005
6105.0Spotlight: Employment in Information and Communication Technology (ICT) (Feature Article)Oct 2006
6105.0Spotlight: Labour Price Index (Feature Article)Jan 2005
6105.0Spotlight: Methods of setting pay (Feature Article 1)Apr 2007
6105.0Spotlight: Methods of setting pay (Feature Article)Apr 2005
6105.0Spotlight: Updated volume measures of labour underutilisation (Feature Article 2)Apr 2007
6105.0Technical Report: Changes to coding processes for industry and occupation in the Labour Force Survey (Feature Article)Jul 2005
6105.0Technical report: Implementation of computer assisted interviewing in the Labour Force Survey (Feature Article)Jan 2005
6105.0Technical report: Labour Force Survey sample redesign (Feature Article)Apr 2003
6105.0Technical report: Measures of weekly hours worked (Feature Article)Jul 2003
6105.0Technical report: New Labour Force Survey sample selections - analysis of the effect on estimates (Feature Article)Oct 2003
6105.0Technical report: Proposals from the review of working arrangements statistics (Feature Article)Oct 2005
6105.0Technical report: Standard error models for the Labour Force Survey (Feature Article)Oct 2005
6105.0The relationship between GDP and employment (Feature Article)Jan 2006
6105.0The unemployed and recipients of government unemployment benefits - differences explained (Feature Article)July 2014
6105.0Trade union membershipJuly 2010
6105.0Trade Union Membership (Feature Article)Apr 2004
6105.0Trends in employee methods of setting pay and jurisdictional coverage (Feature Article)July 2011
6105.0Trends In Hours Worked (Feature Article)Oct 2010
6105.0Underenumeration in the Labour Force Survey: Findings of a Census Data Enhancement Quality Study (Feature Article)Jul 2008
6105.0Understanding earnings in Australia using ABS statistics (Feature Article)July 2014
6105.0Underutilisation in the economic downturnJul 2009
6105.0Unemployment and participation rates in Australia: a cohort analysis (Feature Article)Jul 2003
6105.0Updated volume measures of labour underutilisation (Feature Article)Apr 2006
6105.0Volume Measures of Labour Force Underutilisation (Feature Article)Jul 2012
6105.0Volume measures of labour underutilisationOct 2009
6105.0Work and family balance (Feature Article)Apr 2009
6105.0Working time arrangementsJuly 2010
6150.0.55.001Feature Article (Feature Article)July 2017
6150.0.55.003Construction Industry (Feature Article)September 2017
6150.0.55.003How many jobs are there in manufacturing? (Feature Article)March 2019
6150.0.55.003How many jobs are there in Professional, scientific and technical services? (Feature Article)June 2019
6150.0.55.003Impact of the Labour Account on productivity estimates (Feature Article)September 2017
6150.0.55.003Jobs growth over the past 25 years (Feature Article)September 2019
6150.0.55.003Proportion of Vacant Jobs - A New Labour Market Measure (Feature Article)March 2019
6150.0.55.003Proportion of Vacant Jobs – A New Way to Analyse the Labour Market (Feature Article)September 2017
6150.0.55.003Public sector’s share of jobs decreases over the past nine years (Feature Article)September 2019
6150.0.55.003Secondary Jobs and Multiple Job Holders in the Labour Account (Feature Article)June 2019
6150.0.55.003The Potential for Sector Based Information (Feature Article)December 2018
6150.0.55.003Wholesale trade and Retail trade industries: a comparison (Feature Article)September 2019
Show details for 62. Labour force62. Labour force
Show details for 63. Earnings, hours and employment conditions63. Earnings, hours and employment conditions
Show details for 64. Prices64. Prices
Show details for 65. Consumer income and expenditure65. Consumer income and expenditure
Show details for 7. Agriculture7. Agriculture
Show details for 8. Secondary Industry and Distribution8. Secondary Industry and Distribution
Show details for 84. Mining84. Mining