Feature Articles by Catalogue Number

Show details for 1. General1. General
Show details for 2. Census of Population and Housing2. Census of Population and Housing
Show details for 3. Demography3. Demography
Show details for 4. Social Statistics4. Social Statistics
Show details for 46. Environment46. Environment
Hide details for 5. National Accounts, International Trade and Finance5. National Accounts, International Trade and Finance
Hide details for 52. National accounts52. National accounts
5204.0100 Years of change in Australian Industry (Feature Article)2003-04
5204.0Changes to volume measures of ownership transfer costs (Feature Article)2018-19
5204.0Deconsolidated Household Income Account (Feature Article)2013-14
5204.0Household Sector Balance Sheet - A National Accounts' Perspective (Feature Article) (Released 02/03/2007)2005-06
5204.0Improved estimates of the annual National Accounts (Feature Article)2016-17
5204.0Improving Macro–economic Statistics (Feature Article)2013-14
5204.0Mining Production and Income (Feature Article)2017-18
5204.0New Analytical Measures of Income Saving and Wealth (Feature Article)2002-03
5204.0Revisions to Finance and Insurance Estimates in the Australian System of National Accounts (Feature Article)2010-11
5204.0Saving, borrowing, investment and wealth (Feature Article)2000-01
5204.0Updated National Accounts Annual Benchmarks (Feature Article)2004-05
5204.0Valuing Land and Dwellings Owned by Households (Feature Article)2005-06
5206.060 years of national accounts statistics in Australia (Feature Article)Sep 2019
5206.0A new strategy for annual benchmarking of the Australian National Accounts (Feature Article)Mar 2002
5206.0A Quality Assessment of The National Accounts Information System (Feature Article)Mar 2003
5206.0Accounting for the environment in the national accounts (Feature Article)Sep 2002
5206.0Accounting for the Environment in the National Accounts (Feature Article)Jun 2002
5206.0An Information and Communication Technology Satellite Account (Feature Article)Dec 2002
5206.0Analytical measures in the Australian National Accounts (Feature Article)Mar 2019
5206.0Beyond GDP: Towards wider measures of wellbeing (Feature Article)Sep 2002
5206.0Complementing GDP analysis with a household perspective (Feature Article)Jun 2014
5206.0Developments in the Australian Wholesale Trade Industry (Feature Article)Jun 2018
5206.0Estimates of productivity in the Australian National Accounts (Feature Article)Sep 2005
5206.0Expanded Quarterly Sectoral Accounts (Feature Article)Sep 2014
5206.0Forthcoming changes in the estimation of compensation of employees (Feature Article)Jun 2012
5206.0Forthcoming changes in the estimation of compensation of employees (Feature Article)Dec 2001
5206.0Forthcoming Updated National Accounts Annual Benchmarks (Feature Article)Jun 2005
5206.0Further Developments in the Analysis of Productivity Growth in Australia (Feature Article)Sep 2001
5206.0Hours Worked Estimates in the Quarterly National Accounts (Feature Article)Jun 2005
5206.0Impact of second–hand fixed assets on Gross Domestic Product (Feature Article)Dec 2013
5206.0Impact of the Drought in Agricultural Production in 2006-07 (Feature Article)Sep 2006
5206.0Impact of the Drought in Agricultural Production in 2006-07 (Feature Article)Sep 2006
5206.0Impact of the Drought on Australian Production in 2002-03 (Feature Article)Sep 2002
5206.0Measuring changes in labour costs (Feature Article)Jun 2006
5206.0Measuring Price change in the Australian Economy (Feature Article)Mar 2004
5206.0Mining and Non–mining investment (Feature Article)Sep 2015
5206.0New Chain Volume estimates for the Services sector (Feature Article)Sep 2000
5206.0New Chain Volume estimates for the Services sector (Feature Article)Aug 2001
5206.0Real gross State domestic income (Feature Article)Mar 2002
5206.0Real net national disposable income - a new national accounts measure (Feature Article)Dec 2001
5206.0Recent trends in real income growth (Feature Article)Mar 2013
5206.0Retail Industry Productivity Outpaces Market Sector Productivity (Feature Article)Sep 2018
5206.0Statistical Treatment of Economic Activity in the Timor Sea (Feature Article)Sep 2003
5206.0Statistical Treatment of the 2003 Rugby World Cup (Feature Article)Jun 2003
5206.0Supply and Use Table and the Quarterly National Accounts (Feature Article)Mar 2004
5206.0The Changing Structure of the Australian Economy (Feature Article)Sep 2017
5206.0The Relationship Between GDP and Employment (Feature Article)Jun 2005
5206.0The Terms of Trade and the National Accounts (Feature Article)Dec 2004
5206.0Treatment of 3G Spectrum licences (Feature Article)Jun 2003
5217.0An Introduction to Specialisation and Coverage Ratios (Feature Article)2016-17
5217.0Digital activity in the Australian economy (Feature Article)2017-18
5217.0Services in the Australian economy (Feature Article)2017-18
5220.0Experimental Estimates of Capital Stock by State (Feature Article)2016-17
5232.0A Decade before and after the Global Financial Crisis: Sectoral Analysis (Feature Article)Sep 2018
5232.0Gross Public Sector Debt Concepts and Measurements (Feature Article)Dec 2013
5232.0Household sector data in the financial accounts (Feature Article)Mar 2002
5232.0Listed Equity Sources and Methods (Feature Article)Dec 1999
5232.0Notes on Impacts of Major Revisions June Quarter 2002 (Feature Article)Jun 2002
5260.0.55.002Experimental Estimates of Industry value added growth cycles (Feature Article)2015-16
5260.0.55.002Experimental estimates of state productivity (Feature Article)2016-17
5260.0.55.002Experimental productivity growth accounts (Feature Article)2013-14
Show details for 53. Balance of payments and international investment53. Balance of payments and international investment
Show details for 54. International trade54. International trade
Show details for 55. Public sector accounts55. Public sector accounts
Show details for 56. Finance56. Finance
Show details for 6. Labour Statistics and Prices6. Labour Statistics and Prices
Show details for 7. Agriculture7. Agriculture
Show details for 8. Secondary Industry and Distribution8. Secondary Industry and Distribution
Show details for 84. Mining84. Mining