Feature Articles by Catalogue Number

Hide details for 1. General1. General
Show details for 12. Classifications and work manuals12. Classifications and work manuals
Hide details for 13. Year books and other multi-subject products13. Year books and other multi-subject products
1300.1The History of Government in New South Wales (Feature Article)1998
1300.1The State of New South Wales - Timeline of History (Feature Article)1998
1301.0100 years of change in Australian industry (Feature Article)2005
1301.0100 years of Defence (Feature Article)2002
1301.011 September 2001 - consequences for Defence (Feature Article)2003
1301.01901 in retrospect (Feature Article)2001
1301.01983 Crime Victims Survey (Feature Article)1986
1301.036th Session of the International Statistical Institute (Feature Article)1967
1301.0A century of Australia's balance of payments performance (Feature Article)2001
1301.0A century of change in the Australian labour market (Feature Article)2001
1301.0A century of mining in Australia (Feature Article)2001
1301.0A century of population change in Australia (Feature Article)2001
1301.0A decade of Australian exploration expenditure - 1991-92 to 2000-01 (Feature Article)2003
1301.0A history of road fatalities in Australia (Feature Article)2001
1301.0A hundred years of agriculture (Feature Article)2000
1301.0A hundred years of science and service - Australian meteorology through the twentieth century (Feature Article)2001
1301.0A look back at the Sydney Olympics and Paralympics (Feature Article)2002
1301.0A Pictorial History of the Australian Capital Territory (Feature Article)1988
1301.0A Profile of Australia's Indigenous People (Feature Article)1996
1301.0A profile of Australia's rental tenants (Feature Article)1996
1301.0A short history of Australian aid (Feature Article)2001
1301.0A snapshot of the largest energy users (Feature Article)2005
1301.0A sporting life! (Feature Article)2001
1301.0Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australians - projections 2001 to 2009 (Feature Article)2005
1301.0Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australians: A statistical profile from the 1996 Census (Feature Article)1999
1301.0Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander population (Feature Article)2004
1301.0Aboriginal tourism (Feature Article)2004
1301.0Aboriginals and the Government (Feature Article)1994
1301.0Accounting for audiences in Australian museums (Feature Article)2001
1301.0Accounting for the environment in the national accounts (Feature Article)2003
1301.0Accrual-based Government Finance Statistics (Feature Article)2001
1301.0Activity patterns of people with a disability or who are principal carers (Feature Article)1999
1301.0Adelaide Declaration on National Goals for Schooling in the Twenty-first Century (Feature Article)2001
1301.0Administrative government (Feature Article)1919
1301.0Advances to settlers (Feature Article)1929
1301.0Aeronautical telecommunications during 1956-57 (Feature Article)1958
1301.0Ageing Australians (Feature Article)2006
1301.0Agricultural colleges and experimental farms (Feature Article)1918
1301.0Agricultural inventions (Feature Article)2001
1301.0Agricultural research by CSIRO (Feature Article)1986
1301.0Agriculture, the early years (Feature Article)2001
1301.0Air defence (Feature Article)1972
1301.0Air defence (Feature Article)1925
1301.0An account of investment in and by the six colonies (Feature Article)2001
1301.0An ageing Australia (Feature Article)2003
1301.0An Australian Republic - Issues and Options (Feature Article)1995
1301.0Analytical indexes measuring the price impacts on the living costs of selected Australian household types (Feature Article)2002
1301.0Ansett Australia 1936 - 2001 (Feature Article)2002
1301.0Anthropometrical measurements of military cadets (Feature Article)1918
1301.0APEC and climate change (Feature Article)2008
1301.0Apprenticeship (Feature Article)1923
1301.0Aquaculture and the environment (Feature Article)2003
1301.0Assisting countries combat desertification - Australia's role (Feature Article)2006
1301.0Attitudes of residential builders to energy issues and usage (Feature Article)2003
1301.0Australia's automotive industry (Feature Article)2005
1301.0Australia's beef cattle industry (Feature Article)2005
1301.0Australia's Biodiversity (Feature Article)2009–10
1301.0Australia's cultural and linguistic diversity (Feature Article)2009–10
1301.0Australia's involvement and activities in the United Nations, 1945-95 (Feature Article)1995
1301.0Australia's motor vehicle fleet since the 1920s (Feature Article)2001
1301.0Australia's National Estate (Feature Article)1988
1301.0Australia's New Parliament House (Feature Article)1984
1301.0Australia's nonprofit sector (Feature Article)1999
1301.0Australia's rivers (Feature Article)2003
1301.0Australia's top four overseas birthplace groups (Feature Article)2005
1301.0Australia and Comet Halley, 1985-1986 (Feature Article)1986
1301.0Australia prepares for its bicentenary (Feature Article)1986
1301.0Australia showing known artesian and sub-artesian basins (map) (Feature Article)1962
1301.0Australian contingents (Feature Article)1922
1301.0Australian contingents, [1885-1918] (Feature Article)1919
1301.0Australian Deserts, Climatic aspects of Australia's deserts (Feature Article)2006
1301.0Australian Deserts, Desert wildlife of Australia (Feature Article)2006
1301.0Australian Deserts, Deserts past - the archaeology and environmental history of the Australian deserts (Feature Article)2006
1301.0Australian Deserts, Introduction (Feature Article)2006
1301.0Australian Eucalyptus Timbers (Feature Article)1917
1301.0Australian federal system (Feature Article)2008
1301.0Australian Federation (Feature Article)2001
1301.0Australian home size is growing (Feature Article)2005
1301.0Australian Institute of Anatomy (Feature Article)1939
1301.0Australian Institute of Sport (Feature Article)1984
1301.0Australian Institute of Sport (Feature Article)2002
1301.0Australian Integrated Economic Censuses, 1968-69 (Feature Article)1970
1301.0Australian Mints (Feature Article)1966
1301.0Australian outward foreign affiliates trade (Feature Article)2005
1301.0Australian schools: participation and funding 1901 to 2000 (Feature Article)2001
1301.0Australian services during World War II (Feature Article)1946-47
1301.0Australian Sports Commission (Feature Article)1986
1301.0Australian Statisticians and the Development of Official Statistics (Feature Article)1988
1301.0Australian troops (Great War) (Feature Article)1923
1301.0Australian wine and grape industries in perspective - a decade of growth (Feature Article)2005
1301.0Australian women in agriculture (Feature Article)1997
1301.0Australians' literacy skills put to the test (Feature Article)1998
1301.0Australians' literacy skills: How do they rate internationally? (Feature Article)1999
1301.0Australians at War (Feature Article)1988
1301.0Barley: acreage for grain, Australia, 1962-63 (map) (Feature Article)1964
1301.0Basic wage inquiry, 1934 and 1937 (Feature Article)1937
1301.0Beyond GDP: Towards wider measures of wellbeing (Feature Article)2003
1301.0Bilateral reconciliation studies of merchandise trade (Feature Article)2002
1301.0Biodiversity and the Australian fishing sector (Feature Article)2009–10
1301.0Black coal in Australia (Feature Article)1982
1301.0Blue-Green Algae (Feature Article)1992
1301.0Building a national statistical agency: From the Commonwealth Bureau of Census and Statistics to the Australian Bureau of Statistics (Feature Article)2005
1301.0Building stones of the Commonwealth (Feature Article)1916
1301.0Bulk handling of wheat in Australia (Feature Article)1953
1301.0Bushfires - An Integral Part of Australia's Environment (Feature Article)1995
1301.0Canberra Past and Present (Feature Article)1931
1301.0Cancer trends (Feature Article)2005
1301.0Cardiovascular disease: 20th century trends (Feature Article)2003
1301.0Caring in families (Feature Article)1996
1301.0Casual employees (Feature Article)2006
1301.0Census and Statistics Act of 1905 (Feature Article)1908
1301.0Census of Motor Vehicles - 31st December, 1962 (Feature Article)1964
1301.0Census of Motor Vehicles, 31 December, 1955 (Feature Article)1958
1301.0Census of Papua and New Guinea, 1966 (Feature Article)1967
1301.0Censuses of Modern Times - Section I (Feature Article)1911
1301.0Censuses of Modern Times - Section II (Feature Article)1911
1301.0Censuses of Modern Times - Section III (Feature Article)1911
1301.0Census: pre-federation activity: Censuses of the Commonwealth (Feature Article)1967
1301.0Changing dwelling and household size (Feature Article)2001
1301.0Changing Links with Europe (Feature Article)1998
1301.0Changing of German Place Names in Australia (Feature Article)1926
1301.0Changing tenure status (Feature Article)2001
1301.0Characteristics of State forest areas (Feature Article)1913
1301.0Characteristics of the development of the population of Australia and the effect of the War thereupon (1914-18 War) (Feature Article)1920
1301.0Characteristics of the Population (Feature Article)2009–10
1301.0Chemical products of Australian eucalypts (Feature Article)1917
1301.0Child health since Federation (Feature Article)2001
1301.0Children's injuries (Feature Article)2006
1301.0Chronic diseases and risk factors (Feature Article)2001
1301.0Clean up Australia (Feature Article)1995
1301.0Climate and meteorology of Australia (Feature Article)1941
1301.0Climate and the Sydney 2000 Olympic Games (Feature Article)2000
1301.0Climate change (Feature Article)2003
1301.0Climate Variability and El Nino (Feature Article)1998
1301.0Clothing and food rationing (Feature Article)1944-45
1301.0Co-operation in Australia: producers and consumers (Feature Article)1924
1301.0Combining work and study (Feature Article)2002
1301.0Commercial and Industrial Bureau of the Board of Trade (Feature Article)1924
1301.0Commercial uses of principal Australian timbers (Feature Article)1913
1301.0Commonwealth Bank, 1913-1917 (Feature Article)1918
1301.0Commonwealth food control (1939-45 War) (Feature Article)1942-43
1301.0Commonwealth Government Control of Industrial Metals (Feature Article)1919
1301.0Commonwealth Government control of industrial metals [Australian metal exchange] (Feature Article)1919
1301.0Commonwealth Government shipping and ship building activities (Feature Article)1929
1301.0Commonwealth Marine War Risks Insurance Board (Feature Article)1946-47
1301.0Commonwealth Navigation and Shipping Legislation (Feature Article)1924
1301.0Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act (Feature Article)1998
1301.0Commonwealth Parliamentary and Departmental reports and papers (Feature Article)1920
1301.0Commonwealth rates of infantile mortality, 1881-1910 (Feature Article)1912
1301.0Commonwealth Reconstruction Training Scheme (Feature Article)1953
1301.0Commonwealth Referenda for Alteration of the Constitution, proposed laws and results of voting (to 31st December, 1953) (Feature Article)1955
1301.0Commonwealth Referenda (Feature Article)1942-43
1301.0Commonwealth Referenda (Feature Article)1951
1301.0Commonwealth Referenda (Feature Article)1946-47
1301.0Commonwealth Savings Bank (Feature Article)1917
1301.0Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (Feature Article)1970
1301.0Commonwealth War-time Technical Training Scheme (Feature Article)1953
1301.0Comparison of school children in Australia and other countries (Feature Article)1912
1301.0Completion of the Adelaide to Darwin railway line (Feature Article)2005
1301.0Compulsory military training (Feature Article)1971
1301.0Compulsory training [Military defence] (Feature Article)1919
1301.0Conspectus of Acts in force relating to the settlement of discharged soldiers (1914-18 War) (Feature Article)1920
1301.0Conspectus of Acts in forces relating to weights and measures (Feature Article)1922
1301.0Conspectus of Acts relating to the Constitutions (Feature Article)1920
1301.0Conspectus of Australian Life Assurance Legislation (Feature Article)1925
1301.0Conspectus of Income Tax Acts in force in Australia, 1921 (Feature Article)1921
1301.0Conspectus of superannuation funds of the Parliaments of the Commonwealth and of the Australian States as at 30 June, 1949 (Feature Article)1951
1301.0Constitutional Alteration (Powers to Deal with Communists and Communism) Referendum, 22nd September, 1951 (Feature Article)1954
1301.0Construction and the environment (Feature Article)2003
1301.0Control of prices during and since the 1939-45 War (Feature Article)1946-47
1301.0Control of shipping: post-war control and developments (Feature Article)1953
1301.0Creation of the Commonwealth Bureau of Census and Statistics (Feature Article)1908
1301.0Crime and safety (Feature Article)2001
1301.0Crime and safety (Feature Article)2000
1301.0Crime in twentieth century Australia (Feature Article)2001
1301.0Customs Tariff, 1914 (Feature Article)1918
1301.0Daylight saving (Feature Article)1944-45
1301.0Decimal Coinage (Feature Article)1922
1301.0Decimal Currency (Feature Article)1965
1301.0Decimal currency (Feature Article)1966
1301.0Defence expenditure over the century (Feature Article)2001
1301.0Department of Chemistry, South Australia (Feature Article)1921
1301.0Detection of skin, breast and cervical cancers (Feature Article)2000
1301.0Development of manufacturing industries in Australia (Feature Article)1988
1301.0Development of State statistics (Feature Article)1908
1301.0Development of telecommunications in Australia (Feature Article)1973
1301.0Developments in Australian exports - a longer term perspective (Feature Article)1999
1301.0Diphtheria (Feature Article)1923
1301.0Disability among adults 15-64 years (Feature Article)2003
1301.0Discovery of Gold in Australia (Feature Article)1911
1301.0Distribution of sheep in Australia, 1924-25 (map) (Feature Article)1929
1301.0Distribution of sheep in Australia, 1938-39 (map) (Feature Article)1941
1301.0Distribution of wheat acreage in Australia, 1924 (map) (Feature Article)1929
1301.0Distribution of wheat acreage in Australia, 1938-39 (map) (Feature Article)1941
1301.0Drawing House of Representatives electorate boundaries (Feature Article)2005
1301.0Drought in Australia (Feature Article)1988
1301.0Early history of Primary education in Australia (Feature Article)1909
1301.0Early knowledge of Australia (Feature Article)1908
1301.0East Timor - reconstruction and development (Feature Article)2001
1301.0Educating and Training Australia's Workers (Feature Article)2000
1301.0Education then and now (Feature Article)2001
1301.0Electric power generation and distribution (Feature Article)1953
1301.0Employment generation by the small business sector (Feature Article)1999
1301.0Endangered Species in Australia (Feature Article)1990
1301.0Enemy Contracts Annulment Act (Feature Article)1915
1301.0Enemy patents and trade marks (Feature Article)1920
1301.0Enumerations and estimates (Feature Article)1922
1301.0Environmental impacts of agriculture (Feature Article)2003
1301.0Environmental impacts of Australia's transport system (Feature Article)2003
1301.0Ethnic and Cultural Diversity in Australia (Feature Article)1995
1301.0Evidences of past volcanic action in Australia (Feature Article)1921
1301.0Evolution of Australia's strategic defence policy (Feature Article)2001
1301.0Expenditure on land access for mineral exploration - 2001-02 (Feature Article)2004
1301.0Factory Legislation (conspectus) (Feature Article)1923
1301.0Federal Capital City: Map and Designs for Layout (Feature Article)1912
1301.0Federal Railways (Feature Article)1918
1301.0Federal Referenda (Feature Article)1925
1301.0Federal referenda (Feature Article)1938
1301.0Ferries (Feature Article)1932
1301.0Financial Crises (1929) (Feature Article)1937
1301.0First Home Buyers (Feature Article)2000
1301.0Fishing and the environment (Feature Article)2003
1301.0Foreign participation statistics (Feature Article)1986
1301.0Forest conservation (Feature Article)2003
1301.0Forestry in Australia (Feature Article)1926
1301.0Forestry in Australia: fire protection (Feature Article)1969
1301.0Former numbers and distribution of the Australian Aborigines (Feature Article)1930
1301.0Friendly Societies (Feature Article)1917
1301.0Full-fee paying overseas students (Feature Article)2003
1301.0Future living arrangements (Feature Article)2006
1301.0Gambling in Australia (Feature Article)2000
1301.0GATT: Implications of the Uruguay round for agriculture (Feature Article)1995
1301.0Geohazards and their impact (Feature Article)2008
1301.0Girl Guides – leading the way for Australian girls and young women (Feature Article)2009–10
1301.0Gold reserves against the note issue (Feature Article)1969
1301.0Gold: modes of occurrence and remarkable masses (Feature Article)1911
1301.0Goulburn Irrigation System (map) (Feature Article)1920
1301.0Government loans to farmers (Feature Article)1909
1301.0Government redistribution of income in Australia (Feature Article)1997
1301.0Health of Indigenous Australians (Feature Article)1997
1301.0Health risk factors among adults (Feature Article)2004
1301.0Historical Development of the Australian Mineral Industry (Feature Article)1988
1301.0Historical development of trade unionism in Australia (Feature Article)1916
1301.0History of Coal Mining (Feature Article)1910
1301.0History of communications in Australia (Feature Article)2001
1301.0History of Home Nursing in Australia (Feature Article)1985
1301.0History of Iron Mining in Australia (Feature Article)1910
1301.0History of national accounts in Australia (Feature Article)2001
1301.0History of Pensions and Other Benefits in Australia (Feature Article)1988
1301.0History of Pensions and Other Benefits in Australia (Feature Article)1988
1301.0History of Retail Price Indexes (Feature Article)1995
1301.0History of retail/consumer prices indexes in Australia (Feature Article)2005
1301.0History of roads in Australia (Feature Article)1974
1301.0History of the monthly Labour Force Survey (Feature Article)2005
1301.0History of Tin Mining in Australia (Feature Article)1910
1301.0Home computing in Australia (Feature Article)1996
1301.0Household adoption of digital technologies (Feature Article)1997
1301.0Household and Family Trends in Australia (Feature Article)1994
1301.0Household income and its distribution (Feature Article)2001
1301.0Household income, living standards and financial stress (Feature Article)2002
1301.0Household investors in rental dwellings (Feature Article)1999
1301.0Housing in remote Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander communities (Feature Article)2001
1301.0How do we know about climate in the period before instruments? (Feature Article)2008
1301.0How many people live in Australia's coastal areas? (Feature Article)2004
1301.0How many people live in Australia's remote areas? (Feature Article)2004
1301.0How much energy is used to make a plastic bag? (Feature Article)2004
1301.0Human Quarantine. The Australian approach to a world problem (Feature Article)1988
1301.0Hydrology of Australia [Rivers] (Feature Article)1909
1301.0Impact of changes in international standards on Australia's international accounts (Feature Article)1999
1301.0Impact of the 1995-96 Farm Season on Australian Production (Feature Article)1998
1301.0Impact of the drought on Australian production in 2002-03 (Feature Article)2004
1301.0Impact of the farm season on Australian production in 2002-03 and 2003-04 (Feature Article)2005
1301.0Implementation of System of National Accounts 1993 (SNA93) in Government Finance Statistics (Feature Article)2000
1301.0Improvement of penological methods (Feature Article)1912
1301.0In history's page, let every stage Advance Australia Fair2008
1301.0Income Support Payments in Australia (Feature Article)2000
1301.0Income taxes in Australia (Feature Article)1942-43
1301.0Incomes of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples (Feature Article)2004
1301.0Indigenous disadvantage and selected measures of wellbeing (Feature Article)2009–10
1301.0Indigenous education and training (Feature Article)2004
1301.0Indigenous fishing activity in northern Australian waters (Feature Article)2004
1301.0Indigenous prisoners (Feature Article)2004
1301.0Industrial hygiene in Australia (Feature Article)1925
1301.0Injuries (Feature Article)2004
1301.0Innovation in Australian manufacturing (Feature Article)1996
1301.0Inquiry into the cost of living in Australia, 1st July 1910-30th June 1911 (Feature Article)1912
1301.0Inquiry into wool industry (Feature Article)1936
1301.0Institute of Tropical Medicine, Townsville (Feature Article)1922
1301.0International comparison of real wages (Feature Article)1929
1301.0International currency (Feature Article)1920
1301.0International Space Year (Feature Article)1992
1301.0International Year of Youth (Feature Article)1985
1301.0Interstate Commission (Feature Article)1920
1301.0Irrigation on Australian farms (Feature Article)2008
1301.0Is life in Australia getting better? Beyond GDP: Measures of economic, social and environmental progress (Feature Article)2005
1301.0Islands off the coast of Australia (Feature Article)1912
1301.0Kangaroo bonds (Feature Article)2006
1301.0Labour costs (Feature Article)2005
1301.0Labour force characteristics of people with a disability (Feature Article)2006
1301.0Labour force experience (Feature Article)2003
1301.0Labour force experience (Feature Article)2005
1301.0Labour force status of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples (Feature Article)2004
1301.0Labour force status of migrants (Feature Article)2006
1301.0Labour mobility (Feature Article)2004
1301.0Lakes of the Commonwealth (Feature Article)1911
1301.0Land tenure and settlement (Feature Article)1951
1301.0Land Tenure and Settlement (Feature Article)1911
1301.0Land tenure and settlement (Feature Article)1929
1301.0Landforms and Their History (Feature Article)1988
1301.0Landsat Satellite (Feature Article)1980
1301.0Language Usage Survey, May 1983 (Feature Article)1985
1301.0Languages of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples - A uniquely Australian heritage (Feature Article)2009–10
1301.0Laws relating to conditions of labour (conspectus) (Feature Article)1923
1301.0Laws relating to the registration of births, deaths and marriages (Feature Article)1920
1301.0League of Nations (Feature Article)1942-43
1301.0Lend-Lease and mutual aid between Australia and the United States (Feature Article)1944-45
1301.0Lend-Lease and mutual aid between Australia and the United States (Feature Article)1946-47
1301.0Lighthouses and lights (Feature Article)1909
1301.0Likelihood of victims reporting crime to police (Feature Article)2006
1301.0List of Feature Articles (Feature Article)2002
1301.0Living with asthma (Feature Article)2005
1301.0Long-term mortality trends (Feature Article)2001
1301.0Major changes to the National Accounts (Feature Article)1999
1301.0Management of Australia's inland waters. Developing a reliable water resource in the early 1900s. (Feature Article)2001
1301.0Manufacturing and the environment (Feature Article)2003
1301.0Manufacturing from settlement to the start of the new century (Feature Article)2001
1301.0Marine and fresh water fisheries of Australia (Feature Article)1924
1301.0Marketing of Australian commodities (Feature Article)1944-45
1301.0Masculinity of Australian population, 1796-1907 (Feature Article)1909
1301.0Mature age workers (Feature Article)2005
1301.0Measuring education in Australian Censuses - 1911 to 2001 (Feature Article)2001
1301.0Mental health of Australian adults (Feature Article)1999
1301.0Meteorology in Australia (Feature Article)1988
1301.0Methods of measuring rates of mortality (Feature Article)1919
1301.0Military system in Australia prior to federation (Feature Article)1909
1301.0Million milestones (Feature Article)2001
1301.0Mineral springs in the Commonwealth (Feature Article)1913
1301.0Mining and the environment (Feature Article)2003
1301.0Mountain systems (Orography) of Australia (Feature Article)1910
1301.0Murray River Waters Conference (Feature Article)1914
1301.0Mutual aid between Canada and Australia (Feature Article)1944-45
1301.0National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Survey: law and justice issues (Feature Article)1999
1301.0National Film and Sound Archive (Feature Article)1989
1301.0National Health and Pensions Insurance (Feature Article)1938
1301.0National Service (1951-1959) (Feature Article)1960
1301.0National survey: Community Satisfaction With Police Services (Feature Article)1998
1301.0Natural disasters in Australia (Feature Article)2008
1301.0Natural resources in national balance sheets (Feature Article)1997
1301.0Naval defence, historical outline (Feature Article)1909
1301.0Non-conformity of gauge (Feature Article)1922
1301.0Northern Territory - historical (Feature Article)1913
1301.0Oats: acreage for grain, Australia, 1962-63 (map) (Feature Article)1964
1301.0Oil Exploration in Australia (Feature Article)1962
1301.0Older Australians (Feature Article)1999
1301.0Older people with disabilities (Feature Article)2006
1301.0Outcomes of the 13th Series Australian Consumer Price Index Review (Feature Article)1999
1301.0Outline of research in Australia (Feature Article)1967
1301.0Overcoming Indigenous disadvantage (Feature Article)2008
1301.0Participation in Sport and Physical Activities (Feature Article)1998
1301.0Past glacial action in Australia (Feature Article)1920
1301.0Pasture improvement (Feature Article)1963
1301.0Patents (Feature Article)1919
1301.0Patterns of child care use (Feature Article)1998
1301.0Paying for university education (Feature Article)2005
1301.0People who work few hours (Feature Article)2006
1301.0People with an unmet need for help because of age or disability (Feature Article)1998
1301.0Personal fraud (Feature Article)2009–10
1301.0Petrol rationing (1939-45 War) (Feature Article)1946-47
1301.0Physical violence (Feature Article)2008
1301.0Pig distribution, Australia, 31st March 1948 (map) (Feature Article)1953
1301.0Pigs, Australia, March 1963 (map) (Feature Article)1964
1301.0Pigs: distribution of numbers, Australia 31st March, 1955 (map) (Feature Article)1957
1301.0Plains and Peneplains of Australia (Feature Article)1919
1301.0Population figures for state grants - an historical perspective (Feature Article)2005
1301.0Population: influences affecting increase and distribution (Feature Article)1929
1301.0Ports of the Commonwealth (Feature Article)1910
1301.0Post-censal adjustment of population estimates for the intercensal period, 1910-11 (Feature Article)1913
1301.0Post-war Reconstruction and Democratic Rights Referendum, 1944 (Feature Article)1944-45
1301.0Postal services in early days (Feature Article)1912
1301.0Poverty and Deprivation in Australia (Feature Article)1996
1301.0Pre-decimal currency (Feature Article)1966
1301.0Pre-Federation Coinage (Feature Article)1965
1301.0Preferential Tariffs of the British Empire (Feature Article)1918
1301.0Preferential voting (Feature Article)1913
1301.0Premiers' Conference, 1914 (Feature Article)1914
1301.0Premiers' Conference, 1915 (Feature Article)1915
1301.0Premiers' Conference, 1916-1917 (Feature Article)1919
1301.0Premiers' Conference, 1916 (Feature Article)1918
1301.0Preservation of Rock Imagery (Feature Article)1991
1301.0Price impacts on the living costs of selected Australian household types (Feature Article)2004
1301.0Price impacts on the living costs of selected Australian household types (Feature Article)2005
1301.0Price indexes and The New Tax System (Feature Article)2001
1301.0Prices in Australia at the beginning and end of the 20th century (Feature Article)2001
1301.0Private Railways (Feature Article)1921
1301.0Private wealth of Australia, 1925 (Feature Article)1928
1301.0Production of Copper, Australia, 1881-1910 (Feature Article)1912
1301.0Profile of the rural population (Feature Article)1995
1301.0Profile of women's health (Feature Article)1995
1301.0Prostate cancer deaths, 1982-96 (Feature Article)1998
1301.0Public funding of the arts in Australia - 1900 to 2000 (Feature Article)2001
1301.0Public health legislation and administration (Feature Article)1929
1301.0Pulmonary tuberculosis and cancer in Australia, 1881-1910 (Feature Article)1912
1301.0Railways: unification of gauge (Feature Article)1921
1301.0Rainfall - Wettest months of the year (map) (Feature Article)1924
1301.0Rainfall from 1860-1921 (Feature Article)1922
1301.0Rainfall from 1860 (Feature Article)1922
1301.0Reading the Weather Map (Feature Article)1994
1301.0Real time: computers, change and schooling (Feature Article)2000
1301.0Recent decline in Australian fertility (Feature Article)1981
1301.0Recent fertility trends (Feature Article)2006
1301.0Recent tax reforms (Feature Article)2003
1301.0Reforms in the Australian electricity and gas industries (Feature Article)2000
1301.0Renewable energy in 2003 (Feature Article)2003
1301.0Rent control (1939-45 War) (Feature Article)1946-47
1301.0Report of the 1959 Decimal Currency Committee (Feature Article)1963
1301.0Report of the Advisory Committee on Commercial Intelligence of the Board of Trade (Feature Article)1908
1301.0Reserves and Cadets (Feature Article)2003
1301.0Retirement intentions (Feature Article)1986
1301.0Road fatalities and fatality rates - 1925 to 2003 (Feature Article)2005
1301.0Roads: The beginning and now (Feature Article)1988
1301.0Royal Commission into Monetary and Banking Systems, 1937: summary of recommendations (Feature Article)1938
1301.0Rugby World Cup 2003 - the short-term impact on the Australia economy (Feature Article)2005
1301.0R&D in the Information and Communications Technologies industries (Feature Article)2002
1301.0Safeguarding our Rainforest Heirlooms (Feature Article)1991
1301.0Sale and custody of poisons (Feature Article)1929
1301.0Salient Features in the Geological History of Australia, with Special Reference to Changes of Climate (Feature Article)1914
1301.0Salinity - An Old Environmental Problem (Feature Article)1990
1301.0Same-sex couple families (Feature Article)2005
1301.0School students' mathematics and science literacy (Feature Article)2006
1301.0Science and Technology in Australia (Feature Article)1988
1301.0Scientific societies (Feature Article)1929
1301.0Scouting – developing leaders of tomorrow (Feature Article)2008
1301.0Seismology in Australia (Feature Article)1911
1301.0Selected findings from the 2002 National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social Survey (Feature Article)2005
1301.0Settlement of returned service personnel, 1939-45 War (Feature Article)1946-47
1301.0Settlement of Returned Soldiers and Sailors 1914-18 (Feature Article)1925
1301.0Sheep, Australia, March 1963 (map) (Feature Article)1964
1301.0Sheep: distribution of numbers, Australia, 31st march, 1955 (map) (Feature Article)1957
1301.0Should the House of Representatives have a four-year terms? (Feature Article)2003
1301.0Softwood plantations (Feature Article)1973
1301.0Soil Conservation (Feature Article)1963
1301.0Some Native Australian fodder plants (Other than Grasses and Salt-bushes) (Feature Article)1913
1301.0Special defence legislation (Feature Article)1922
1301.0Special Defence Legislation (1914-18 War) (Feature Article)1922
1301.0Sporting Australians (Feature Article)2000
1301.0Sports industries (Feature Article)2003
1301.0Stadium Australia (Feature Article)2000
1301.0Standard times in Australia (Feature Article)1953
1301.0Standardisation of railway gauges (Feature Article)1967
1301.0Standardisation of railway gauges (Feature Article)1970
1301.0Standardisation of Railway Gauges (Feature Article)1967
1301.0State Aid to Mining (Feature Article)1912
1301.0State (statistical) publications, 1906-20 (Feature Article)1920
1301.0Statistical Conference of 1906 (Feature Article)1908
1301.0Statistical publications of Australia (Feature Article)1920
1301.0Statistics on the Indigenous Peoples of Australia (Feature Article)1994
1301.0Strengthening Indigenous families and communities (Feature Article)2004
1301.0Structure and scenery of the Federal Capital Territory (Feature Article)1929
1301.0Sugar Bounties (Feature Article)1913
1301.0Suicide in Australia (Feature Article)1912
1301.0Suicide (Feature Article)2000
1301.0Support for older people (Feature Article)2000
1301.0Survey of Private Superannuation Schemes, 1955-56 (Feature Article)1958
1301.0Sustainable forest management – an update (Feature Article)2008
1301.0Sustainable forest management (Feature Article)2003
1301.0Sustainable microfinance in Vietnam (Feature Article)2005
1301.0Sustainable tourism in Great Barrier Reef Marine Park (Feature Article)2003
1301.0Sustaining the mineral resources industry – overcoming the tyranny of depth (Feature Article)2008
1301.0Sydney Harbour Colliery (Feature Article)1913
1301.0Sylvicultural nurseries and plantations (Feature Article)1913
1301.0Taking possession of Australia (Feature Article)1908
1301.0Taxation during the first 100 years of Federation (Feature Article)2001
1301.0Temperature measurement and the Stevenson screen (Feature Article)2005
1301.0Tenure of land by aliens (Feature Article)1925
1301.0Termination of Mutual aid between Canada and Australia (Feature Article)1946-47
1301.0Territory of Papua and New Guinea: population at Censuses, 1921 to 1966 (Feature Article)1969
1301.0The 1967 Aborigines Referendum (Feature Article)2004
1301.0The 1986 Census - a portrait of Australia (Feature Article)1986
1301.0The Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander population of Australia - Census counts, concepts and questions in the 20th century (Feature Article)1998
1301.0The Aboriginal population (Feature Article)1924
1301.0The Aboriginal Population (Feature Article)1924
1301.0The Aborigines of Australia (Feature Article)1910
1301.0The Australian Capital Territory, Canberra the National Capital: Fifty Years of Development (Feature Article)1963
1301.0The Australian Cinema - An Overview (Feature Article)1989
1301.0The Australian dairy industry (Feature Article)2004
1301.0The Australian Defence Force Academy (Feature Article)1988
1301.0The Australian Flag (Feature Article)1988
1301.0The Australian Flag (Feature Article)1989
1301.0The Australian Flag (Feature Article)1983
1301.0The Australian Housing Stock: 1911 and 1996 (Feature Article)2001
1301.0The Australian note issue (Feature Article)1966
1301.0The Australian note issue (Feature Article)1967
1301.0The Australian wheat industry (Feature Article)2006
1301.0The Building stones of Queensland (Feature Article)1919
1301.0The census, the Constitution and democracy (Feature Article)2001
1301.0The changing face of the retail industry: 1948 to 1992 (Feature Article)2001
1301.0The Chinese in Australia (Feature Article)1925
1301.0The Climatic factors influencing settlement in Australia (Feature Article)1918
1301.0The coast-line of the Commonwealth of Australia (Feature Article)1908
1301.0The Collection and Preservation of Australia's Documentary Heritage (Feature Article)1991
1301.0The Commonwealth Advisory Council of Science and Industry (Feature Article)1918
1301.0The Commonwealth Advisory Council on Nutrition (Feature Article)1939
1301.0The Commonwealth Department of Fisheries (Feature Article)1921
1301.0The Commonwealth seat of Government (Feature Article)1911
1301.0The Conservation and use of water in Australia (Feature Article)1946-47
1301.0The Constitution of the Commonwealth of Australia (Feature Article)1988
1301.0The cost of training Australia's workers (Feature Article)2004
1301.0The creation of the several colonies (Feature Article)1908
1301.0The Department of Foreign Affairs - A Brief History (Feature Article)1988
1301.0The Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade over the century - a chronology (Feature Article)2001
1301.0The design and construction of Indigenous housing: the challenge ahead (Feature Article)2004
1301.0The Development of Commonwealth - State Financial Arrangements in Australia (Feature Article)1988
1301.0The development of official statistics in Australia, and some possible future challenges (Feature Article)2001
1301.0The evolution of Australian industry (Feature Article)2001
1301.0The exploration of Australia (Feature Article)1909
1301.0The family home-value and equity (Feature Article)1999
1301.0The Fauna of Australia (Feature Article)1909
1301.0The Federal Movement in Australia (Feature Article)1909
1301.0The financial agreement between Commonwealth and the States (Feature Article)1964
1301.0The Financial Agreement between the Commonwealth and the States (Feature Article)1938
1301.0The Financial Agreement between the Commonwealth and the States (Feature Article)1946-47
1301.0The Flora of Australia (Feature Article)1909
1301.0The Forests of Australia (Feature Article)1913
1301.0The Geology of Australia (Feature Article)1908
1301.0The Goldfields Water Supply of Western Australia (Feature Article)1913
1301.0The Grasses and Saltbushes of Australia (Feature Article)1916
1301.0The Great Barrier Reef Marine Park - Conservation and Management in the Marine Environment (Feature Article)1990
1301.0The Impact of Technology on Communications (Feature Article)1988
1301.0The Influenza epidemic of 1918-19 (Feature Article)1920
1301.0The information society and the information economy in Australia (Feature Article)1999
1301.0The long-term unemployed (Feature Article)1995
1301.0The long-term unemployed (Feature Article)1996
1301.0The Mabo Case and the Native Title Act (Feature Article)1995
1301.0The National Museum of Australia (Feature Article)1989
1301.0The National Trusts of Australia (Feature Article)1991
1301.0The Ottawa Conference, 1932 (Feature Article)1933
1301.0The pace of change in science and innovation (Feature Article)2001
1301.0The Pacific Islanders in Australia (Feature Article)1926
1301.0The Parliament of the Commonwealth of Australia (Feature Article)1988
1301.0The population census - a brief history (Feature Article)2005
1301.0The Soils of Australia (Feature Article)1966
1301.0The Sydney hailstorm (Feature Article)2000
1301.0The Third Conference of British Commonwealth Statisticians, Canberra, 1951 (Feature Article)1953
1301.0The Tides of Australia (Feature Article)1938
1301.0The use made of ABS statistics by the Commonwealth Grants Commission (Feature Article)2005
1301.0The use of forest products (Feature Article)2003
1301.0The value of unpaid work (Feature Article)1996
1301.0The WasteWise Construction Program (Feature Article)2003
1301.0The Wealth of Australia, 1929 (Feature Article)1933
1301.0The wool industry - looking back and forward (Feature Article)2003
1301.0There's no place like home (Feature Article)2000
1301.0Thinking 'green' in 1901 (Feature Article)2001
1301.0Timber then and now (Feature Article)2001
1301.0Topography of Australia (Feature Article)1927
1301.0Tourism in Australia (Feature Article)1985
1301.0Tourism viewed as an industry (Feature Article)1996
1301.0Trade marks (Feature Article)1919
1301.0Trade of the individual States of the Commonwealth (Feature Article)1911
1301.0Trade since 1900 (Feature Article)2001
1301.0Trans-Australian Railway, Kalgoolie to Port Augusta (Feature Article)1918
1301.0Transmission of disease by mosquitoes (Feature Article)1929
1301.0Travel and Tourism (Feature Article)1966
1301.0Treasurers' Conference, 1914 (Feature Article)1914
1301.0Tsunami risk to Australia (Feature Article)2008
1301.0Two great Commonwealth Statisticians (Feature Article)2000
1301.0Unauthorised arrivals and overstayers in Australia (Feature Article)2004
1301.0Underemployed workers (Feature Article)2004
1301.0Understanding agricultural exports data (Feature Article)2002
1301.0Understanding natural hazard impacts on Australia (Feature Article)2008
1301.0Understanding the innovation process in manufacturing (Feature Article)1997
1301.0Unification of gauge (Feature Article)1922
1301.0Unity and Diversity: The History and Culture of Aboriginal Australia (Feature Article)1994
1301.0Universities [Historical sketch] (Feature Article)1909
1301.0Urban and non-urban population (Feature Article)2006
1301.0Use of information technology by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples (Feature Article)2004
1301.0Use of information technology by older people (Feature Article)2005
1301.0Use of urban public transport in Australia (Feature Article)2005
1301.0Usual hours (Feature Article)2004
1301.0Victoria Country Roads Board (Feature Article)1922
1301.0Violence against Women (Feature Article)1998
1301.0Visit and Report by Sir Reginald Henderson [on Naval matters] (Feature Article)1913
1301.0Voluntary work (Feature Article)1997
1301.0War-time control of shipping (Feature Article)1944-45
1301.0War-time marketing of primary products (Feature Article)1944-45
1301.0War gratuities (Feature Article)1955
1301.0War Gratuity Act (Feature Article)1922
1301.0War Precautions Acts, 1914-1916 and War Precautions Regulations, 1915 (Feature Article)1918
1301.0Wars, 1939-45, account of part played by Australian military forces and chronology (Feature Article)1944-45
1301.0Water 2000: a perspective to the year 2000 (Feature Article)1985
1301.0Water Conservation and Irrigation (Feature Article)1965
1301.0Water policy, resource needs to year 2000 (Feature Article)1985
1301.0Weapons used against victims of crime (Feature Article)2003
1301.0Wheat for grain: distribution of acreage, Australia, 1954-55 (map) (Feature Article)1957
1301.0Wheat: acreage for grain, Australia, 1962-63 (map) (Feature Article)1964
1301.0Who are DFAT staff? (Feature Article)2000
1301.0Wholesale Prices and Price Indexes (Feature Article)1969
1301.0Wimmera-Mallee Gravitation Channel System (map) (Feature Article)1920
1301.0Wireless telegraphy (Feature Article)1922
1301.0Women and government in Australia (Feature Article)2001
1301.0Women in prison (Feature Article)2005
1301.0Women in small business (Feature Article)1997
1301.0Work-related injuries (Feature Article)2003
1301.0Work-related training (Feature Article)2003
1301.0Working arrangements (Feature Article)2005
1301.0Young people in employment (Feature Article)2005
1301.0Youth affairs (Feature Article)1986
1301.2Multimedia Developments in Victorian Communications (Feature Article)1998
1301.2The Victorian Dairy Industry (Feature Article)1998
1301.3Historical Sketch (Feature Article)1901
1301.3QANTAS Serves Australia - From the Queensland Outback to the World (Feature Article)1986
1301.4Aboriginal Lands in South Australia (Feature Article)1997
1301.4Gambling in South Australia (Feature Article)1997
1301.4Recreation and Sport in South Australia (Feature Article)1997
1301.6100 years of diversity in Tasmania (Feature Article)2000
1301.6100 years of the prison service (Feature Article)2000
1301.6100 years of tourism development of the Cradle Mountain area (Feature Article)2000
1301.6A brief history of Meteorological observations in Hobart (Feature Article)2000
1301.6A century of Trade (Feature Article)2000
1301.6A history of Housing assistance in Tasmania (Feature Article)2000
1301.6Aerobics (Feature Article)1998
1301.6Architecture: the profession (Feature Article)1998
1301.6Art in Tasmania (Feature Article)1996
1301.6Bats: Things that go bump in the night (Feature Article)1998
1301.6Boon, David (Feature Article)1998
1301.6Bushwalking, Tasmania (Feature Article)2000
1301.6Census history in Tasmania (Feature Article)1998
1301.6Census in Tasmania - then and now (Feature Article)2000
1301.6Commerce in the early 90s (Feature Article)1996
1301.6Dombrovskis, Peter (Feature Article)1998
1301.6Early Tasmanian settlements (Feature Article)1996
1301.6Extension of shopping hours (Feature Article)1996
1301.6Firearms Act 1996 (Feature Article)1998
1301.6Forest fires (Feature Article)1996
1301.6Golf in Tasmania (Feature Article)2000
1301.6Hobart's trams (Feature Article)2000
1301.6Hobart Aquatic Centre (Feature Article)1998
1301.6Immunisation (Feature Article)1998
1301.6King Island wind farm (Feature Article)1998
1301.6Marine Farming Planning Act (Feature Article)1996
1301.6Multicultural Tasmania - 100 years (Feature Article)2000
1301.6Mystery pilchard death in Tasmanian waters (Feature Article)1996
1301.6Notable cases of severe bushfires (Feature Article)2000
1301.6Notable cases of severe droughts (Feature Article)2000
1301.6Notable cases of severe flooding (Feature Article)2000
1301.6Palawa Story (Feature Article)2000
1301.6Public art (Feature Article)1996
1301.6Recycling and conservation of selected Tasmanian buildings (Feature Article)2000
1301.6Royal Tasmanian Botanical Gardens (Feature Article)1998
1301.6Salamanca Theatre Company (Feature Article)1998
1301.6Significant Tasmanian architecture of the 20th century (Feature Article)2000
1301.6South of Tasmania (Feature Article)1996
1301.6Speed detection devices (Feature Article)1998
1301.6Striped trumpeter (Feature Article)1996
1301.6Suncoast Jazz Festival (Feature Article)2000
1301.6TasDance (Feature Article)2000
1301.6Tasmania's financial relationship with the Commonwealth since federation (Feature Article)2000
1301.6Tasmanian Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander culture (Feature Article)1996
1301.6Tasmanian artists - 100 years (Feature Article)2000
1301.6Tasmanian craft and design (Feature Article)1996
1301.6Tasmanian feature films (Feature Article)2000
1301.6Tasmanian mapping in the 20th century (Feature Article)2000
1301.6Tasmanian trade until 1842 (Feature Article)2000
1301.6Terrapin (Feature Article)2000
1301.6The Anthony power development (Feature Article)1996
1301.6The Cooperative Research Centre for Temperate Hardwood Forestry (Feature Article)1996
1301.6The Pinnacle Road, Mt Wellington (Feature Article)2000
1301.6The Royal Australian Institute of Architects 1997 Awards (Feature Article)1998
1301.6The Royal Australian Institute of Architects (Feature Article)1996
1301.6The Tasman bridge (Feature Article)2000
1301.6The Tasmanian native forest industry (Feature Article)2000
1301.6Theatre Royal, Hobart (Feature Article)1998
1301.6Wooden boat festival (Feature Article)1998
1301.6Yolla gas field (Feature Article)1998
1307.6Adult Literacy in Tasmania, 2006 (Feature Article)Jun 2008
1307.6Ageing in Tasmania (Feature Article)Mar 2008
1307.6People with a Need for Assistance in Tasmania, 2006 (Feature Article)Sep 2008
1307.6Population Health Progress Measures: Body Mass (Feature Article)Dec 2009
1307.6Tasmania's unemployment at record low (Feature Article)Dec 2008
1307.6Tasmanian Housing Indicators (Feature Article)Dec 2007
1307.6What is statistical literacy and why is it important to be statistically literate? (Feature Article)Mar 2009
1308.7Feature ArticleSep 2009
1308.8ACT - Fit for Culture (Feature Article)Feb 2011
1308.8ACT Residents, Getting Older and Working Longer (Feature Article)Dec 2010
1308.8Children and Cyber Safety (Feature Article)May 2010
1308.8Criminal Courts in the ACT (Feature Article)May 2009
1308.8Dwellings in the ACR (Feature Article)Aug 2009
1308.8Employed and aged 55 to 64 (Feature Article)Feb 2009
1308.8From paper to PC ... and onwards (Feature Article)May 2008
1308.8How cultured is our culture? (Feature Article)May 2009
1308.8Internet Accessibility (Feature Article)May 2010
1308.8SCHOOL AGE POPULATION WITHIN THE ACR (Feature Article)Aug 2010
1308.8SCHOOL AGE POPULATION WITHIN THE ACT (Feature Article)Aug 2010
1308.8Traversing the ACR for the over 55s (Feature Article)February 2010
1308.8Value of new buildings in the ACR (Feature Article)Nov 2009
1318.3150 Years of Queensland's Economic History: Key Dates, Facts and Figures (Feature Article)Mar 2009
1318.3150 Years of Queensland's Economic History: Key Dates, Facts and Figures (Feature Article)Feb 2009
1318.3Births, Queensland, 2007 (Feature Article)Nov 2008
1318.3Births, Queensland, 2008 (Feature Article)Jan 2010
1318.3Causes of Death, Queensland, 2007 (Feature Article)May 2009
1318.3Criminal Courts in Queensland, 2007-08 (Feature Article)Apr 2009
1318.3Deaths, Queensland, 2007 (Feature Article)Jan 2009
1318.3Deaths, Queensland, 2008 (Feature Article)Feb 2010
1318.3Environmental Views and Behaviour, Queensland, 2007-08 (Feature Article)Aug 2009
1318.3Forms of Employment (Feature Article)Jul 2008
1318.3General Social Survey, 2006: Characteristics of Family and Community Support & Crime and Safety (Feature Article)Sep 2007
1318.3General Social Survey, 2006: Financial Stressors, Queensland (Feature Article)Apr 2008
1318.3General Social Survey, 2006: Personal Stressors, Queensland (Feature Article)Dec 2007
1318.3Household preparedness for emergencies, Queensland–October 2007 (Feature Article)Jun 2008
1318.3Household Use of Information Technology in Queensland, 2008-09 (Feature Article)Mar 2010
1318.3Involvement in Organised Sport and Physical Activity, Queensland, April 2007 (Feature Article)May 2008
1318.3Labour Force Characteristics of Queensland Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander People, 2007 (Feature Article)Jun 2008
1318.3Land Management and Farming in Queensland, 2007-08 (Feature Article)Jun 2009
1318.3Marriages and Divorces, Queensland, 2008 (Feature Article)Oct 2009
1318.3National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social Survey, 2008 (Feature Article)Dec 2009
1318.3Natural resource management on Queensland farms, 2006-07 (Feature Article)Aug 2008
1318.3Queensland births and fertility buck the trend in 2009
Mortality in Queensland (Feature Article)
Dec 2010
1318.3Recorded Crime - Victims (Feature Article)Jul 2008
1318.3Recorded Crime - Victims, Queensland, 2008 (Feature Article)Jul 2009
1318.3Water Use on Queensland Farms, 2006-07 (Feature Article)Oct 2008
1318.3Water Use on Queensland Farms, 2007-08 (Feature Article)Sep 2009
1329.0Changes to the Collection of Inventory Data (Feature Article)2006
1329.0Characteristics of the people in the wine industry. (Feature Article 1)2007
1329.0Inventory information from annual production survey. (Feature Article 2)2007
1338.1What is Statistical Literacy and why is it important? (Feature Article)Sep 2009
1345.4Adelaide's Advantaged and Disadvantaged Suburbs (Feature Article)Sep 2008
1345.4Adelaide's Population Turnover (Feature Article)Nov 2008
1345.4Attendance at Cultural Venues and Events by South Australians (Feature Article)Oct 2007
1345.4Beefing up our Economy: Meat Production in South Australia (Feature Article)Aug 2010
1345.4Burial and cremation trends in SA (Feature Article)Mar 2010
1345.4Children's Use of the Internet and Mobile Phones in South Australia (Feature Article)July 2010
1345.4Contributors to Adelaide's Price Rises (Feature Article)Oct 2008
1345.4Crime and Safety (Feature Article)Nov 2009
1345.4Emotional Well-being in South Australia (Feature Article)Mar 2011
1345.4Energy Consumption in South Australia (Feature Article)Dec 2008
1345.4Engineering Construction in South Australia (Feature Article)Apr 2010
1345.4Heating and Cooling (Feature Article)Aug 2009
1345.4Household Water Consumption and Conservation Actions (Feature Article)Jan 2011
1345.4Houses in South Australia (Feature Article)Jan 2010
1345.4Housing Finance - First Home Buyers and Other Borrowers (Feature Article)Apr 2009
1345.4International Students and the VET sector in South Australia (Feature Article)Jun 2010
1345.4International students in South Australia (Feature Article)Dec 2009
1345.4Interstate Departures from South Australia (Feature Article)May 2010
1345.4Journey to Work in the City of Adelaide (Feature Article)May 2009
1345.4Labour Force Underutilisation and the Underemployed in South Australia (Feature Article)Jan 2008
1345.4Literacy of South Australians (Feature Article)May 2008
1345.4Making better use of Public Sector information (Feature Article)Oct 2010
1345.4National Regional Profile (Feature Article)Nov 2010
1345.4New dwelling approvals in South Australia (Feature Article)Jul 2008
1345.4One Parent families with dependent children in South Australia (Feature Article)Sep 2009
1345.4Patterns in South Australian Retail Turnover (Feature Article)Mar 2011
1345.4Recent Increases in South Australia's Fertility (Feature Article)Feb 2009
1345.4Recorded Crime - Victims, South Australia, 2006 (Feature Article)Nov 2007
1345.4SA Stats (Feature Article)May 2011
1345.4South Australia's Ageing Population and the Labour Force (Feature Article)Apr 2008
1345.4South Australia's Agriculture Industry (Feature Article)Aug 2008
1345.4South Australia's Changing Industrial Landscape (Feature Article)Apr 2011
1345.4South Australia's Migrant Population (Feature Article)Apr 2008
1345.4South Australia's Mining Industry (Feature Article)Feb 2008
1345.4South Australian Household Final Consumption Expenditure (Feature Article)Jan 2009
1345.4South Australian Migration 2009-10 (Feature Article)Jun 2011
1345.4Sports Attendance in South Australia (Feature Article)Nov 2007
1345.4The new Australian Statistical Geography Standard (Feature Article)Feb 2010
1345.4Water Efficiency in South Australia's Vineyards (Feature Article)Jun 2009
1345.4Water Supply in South Australia (Feature Article)Feb 2008
1345.4Water Use in Agriculture - A South Australian Perspective (Feature Article)Jan 2008
1345.4What are South Australians Studying? (Feature Article)Jul 2009
1345.4Where have all the male teachers gone? (Feature Article)Sep 2010
1345.4Who's not in the Labour Force (Feature Article)Oct 2009
1345.4Women in South Australia's Workforce (Feature Article)Dec 2010
1345.4Young People, Sports and Physical Recreation in South Australia (Feature Article)Feb 2011
1350.0100 Years of Statistics in Australia (Feature Article)Dec 2005
1350.0A Comparison of the World Bank and ABS Wealth Estimates, Dec 1995 (Feature Article)1995
1350.0A Framework for Household Income Consumption Saving and Wealth, Jul 1995 (Feature Article)1995
1350.0A Guide to Interpreting Time Series - Monitoring Trends: An Overview, Jan 1995 (Feature Article)1995
1350.0A Quality Assessment of The National Accounts Information System (Feature Article)Jul 2003
1350.0A Spotlight on Quarterly Labour Productivity (Feature Article)Nov 2008
1350.0A Statistical overview of the Construction Industry (Feature Article)Oct 2010
1350.0A Statistical Overview of the Construction Industry (Feature Article)Aug 2008
1350.0A Statistical Overview of Tourism (Feature Article)Jan 2006
1350.0A Time Series Decomposition of Retail Trade, Aug 1991 (Feature Article)1991
1350.0Accounting for the Environment in the National Accounts (Feature Article)Oct 2002
1350.0Alternative Measures of the Effects of Exchange Rate Movements On Competitiveness (Feature Article)Apr 1998
1350.0An Experimental Composite Leading Indicator of the Australian Business Cycle, May 1993 (Feature Article)1993
1350.0An Information and Communication Technology Satellite Account (Feature Article)Apr 2003
1350.0An Introduction to Financial Accounts, Jul 1992 (Feature Article)1992
1350.0An Introduction to the Business Longitudinal Database (Feature Article)Jan 2010
1350.0An Introduction to Tourism Satellite Accounts (Feature Article)Jan 1998
1350.0Analytical living cost indexes for selected Australian household types (Jun, 2001) (Feature Article)Jun 2001
1350.0Analytical Living Cost Indexes for Selected Australian Household Types: An Update (Feature Article)Dec 2002
1350.0Analytical Living Cost Indexes for Selected Australian Household Types: Update to June 2003 (Feature Article)Oct 2003
1350.0Analytical Living Cost Indexes for Selected Australian Household Types: Update to June 2003 (Feature Article)Oct 2003
1350.0Analytical living cost indexes for selected Australian household types: update to June 2004 (Feature Article)Sep 2004
1350.0Analytical Living Cost Indexes for Selected Australian Household Types: Update to June 2005 (Feature Article)Sep 2005
1350.0Are Recent Labour Force Estimates Really More Volatile, Dec 1997 (Feature Article)1997
1350.0Australia's Exporters, 2002-03 (Feature Article)Jan 2004
1350.0Australia's Foreign Debt, Nov 1992 (Feature Article)1992
1350.0Australia's International Trade in Services by State (Feature Article)Oct 2000
1350.0Australia's Motor Vehicle Fleet Grows Older, Apr 1994 (Feature Article)1994
1350.0Australia's Tradable Sector, Oct 1996 (Feature Article)1996
1350.0Australian Globalisation Statistics: Past, Present and Future (Feature Article)Mar 1998
1350.0Australian Tourism Satellite Account (Feature Article)Sep 2000
1350.0Australian Tourism Satellite Account: Development Commences (Feature Article)Jan 1998
1350.0Automotive Fuel in the Consumer Price Index (Feature Article)Jul 2005
1350.0Building Approvals and Housing Finance Statistics - Do They Tell the Same Story?, Dec 1991 (Feature Article)1991
1350.0Business Characteristics of Small and Medium-Sized Australian Exporters (Feature Article)Jan 2010
1350.0Business Expectations Survey, Sep 1994 (Feature Article)1994
1350.0Can Labour Force Estimates be Improved Using Matched Sample Estimates? (Feature Article)May 1998
1350.0Cessation of the Composite Leading Indicator (Feature Article)Sep 2003
1350.0Change in Base Year of Constant Price National Accounts from 1984-85 to 1989-90, Mar 1993 (Feature Article)1993
1350.0Changes to economic statistics as a result of taxation reform (Feature Article)Jul 2002
1350.0Characteristics and Performance of Small and Medium-Sized Businesses in Australia (Feature Article)Jan 2010
1350.0Direct Movement Estimator for the Survey of Average Weekly Earnings (Feature Article)Aug 1998
1350.0Do job vacancies provide a leading indicator of employment growth? (Feature Article)May 2003
1350.0Earnings Statistics, Jun 1997 (Feature Article)1997
1350.0Easter Holiday Effects in Retail Turnover (Feature Article)May 1999
1350.0Economic and Financial Monitoring (Feature Article)Jan 1999
1350.0Employees and their Working Arrangements, Mar 1995 (Feature Article)1995
1350.0Environment Statistics: Frameworks and Developments, Jun 1992 (Feature Article)1992
1350.0Expanding the use of indicators of sampling error in ABS economic statistics publications (Feature Article)Aug 2003
1350.0Experimental Composite Leading Indicator March Quarter 1999 (Feature Article)Jun 1999
1350.0Experimental Price Indexes for Age Pension Households: an Update (Feature Article)Jan 2000
1350.0Experimental Price Indexes for Age Pensioner Households: An Update, Jul 1993 (Feature Article)1993
1350.0Experimental Price Indexes for Age Pensioner Households: An Update, Sep 1995 (Feature Article)1995
1350.0Experimental State Dissection of Industry Data (Feature Article)Sep 2001
1350.0Foreign ownership characteristics of business undertaking research and experimental development activity in Australia (Aug, 2002) (Feature Article)Aug 2002
1350.0Foreign Ownership Characteristics of Information Technology Businesses in Australia (Feature Article)Mar 2003
1350.0Foreign ownership characteristics of information technology businesses (Feature Article)Mar 2002
1350.0Foreign Ownership of Equity (Feature Article)Jan 2004
1350.0Foreign Ownership of Equity (Feature Article)Jan 2002
1350.0Further Developments in the Analysis of Productivity Growth in Australia (Feature Article)Jan 2002
1350.0Government Redistribution of Income in Australia, 1993 - 94, Aug 1996 (Feature Article)1996
1350.0Government Redistribution of Income, May 1992 (Feature Article)1992
1350.0Household income and its distribution (Feature Article)Jun 2001
1350.0Household income, living standards and financial stress (Feature Article)Jun 2001
1350.0Household Water Use and Effects of the Drought (Feature Article)Jul 2005
1350.0Housing Characteristics and Decisions: A Comparative Study of Sydney, Melbourne, Adelaide and Canberra, Dec 1992 (Feature Article)1992
1350.0How Does Father's Day Affect Retail Trade?, Dec 1996 (Feature Article)1996
1350.0Impact of 2003-2004 Farm Season on Australian Production (Feature Article)Oct 2003
1350.0Impact of Refinancing on Housing Finance Statistics, Mar 1994 (Feature Article)1994
1350.0Impact of the 1995-96 Farm Season on Australian Production, Jan 1997 (Feature Article)1997
1350.0Impact of the Drought on Australian Production in 2002-03 (Feature Article)Jan 2003
1350.0Impact of Y2K and the Sydney Hailstorm on National Accounts (Feature Article)Oct 1999
1350.0Improvements to Trend Estimation for National Accounts Aggregates (Feature Article)Oct 1998
1350.0Improving the Quality of the National Accounts (Feature Article)Jul 1998
1350.0Input-Output Tables: Describing the Shape of Australia's Economy, Apr 1993 (Feature Article)1993
1350.0International Comparison of Balance of Payments Statistics (Feature Article)Nov 2000
1350.0International Comparisons of Gross Domestic Product as Purchasing Power Parity, Apr 1992 (Feature Article)1992
1350.0Internet Activity Australia (Feature Article)Sep 2001
1350.0Investigations of Volatlity in the Labour Force Survey, Dec 1997 (Feature Article)1997
1350.0Is the Consumer Price Index Series Seasonal?, Feb 1991 (Feature Article)1991
1350.0Issues With Seasonal Adjustment of Hours Worked (Feature Article)Sep 2005
1350.0Labour Force Participation Rate Projections to 2011, Aug 1994 (Feature Article)1994
1350.0Labour Force Projections to 2011, Oct 1994 (Feature Article)1994
1350.0Leading Indicators of Employment (Feature Article)Apr 2004
1350.0Leading Indicators of the Australian Business Cycle: Performance over the Last Two Decades, Oct 1992 (Feature Article)1992
1350.0Major ABS Classifications, Aug 1993 (Feature Article)1993
1350.0Managed Funds in Australia, Feb 1992 (Feature Article)1992
1350.0Measuring Australia's foreign currency exposure (Feature Article)Apr 2002
1350.0Measuring Australia's Progress (Feature Article)May 2002
1350.0Measuring Employment and Unemployment, May 1991 (Feature Article)1991
1350.0Measuring Inflation, Nov 1991 (Feature Article)1991
1350.0Measuring International Portfolio Investment (Feature Article)Sep 1998
1350.0Measuring Price change in the Australian Economy (Feature Article)Jul 2004
1350.0Measuring Teenage Unemployment, Nov 1995 (Feature Article)1995
1350.0Measuring the impact of the new tax system on the September Quarter 2000 Consumer Price Index (Feature Article)Dec 2000
1350.0Merchandise Export and Import Statistics by Country - Factors Affecting Bilateral Reconciliations, Jun 1991 (Feature Article)1991
1350.0Modifications to Reserve Bank Of Australia's Commodity Price Index (Feature Article)Nov 1998
1350.0New Business Provisions, Oct 1997 (Feature Article)1997
1350.0New Chain Volume estimates for the Services sector (Feature Article)Aug 2001
1350.0New Experimental Estimates of the Distribution of Australian Household Wealth (Oct, 2002) (Feature Article)Oct 2002
1350.0Ownership characteristics of businesses undertaking capital expenditure in Australia, 1998-1999 (Feature Article)Jul 2001
1350.0Picking Turning Points in the Economy, Apr 1991 (Feature Article)1991
1350.0Population Changes and Housing Demand, Nov 1993 (Feature Article)1993
1350.0Population Projections 1997 - 2051 (Feature Article)Dec 1998
1350.0Population, Participation and Productivity - Contributions to Australia's Economic Growth (Feature Article)Aug 2003
1350.0Portraits of Australian Businesses, 2005–06 and 2006–07 (Feature Article)Feb 2010
1350.0Predicting Private New Capital Expenditure Using Expectations Data, Jan 1994 (Feature Article)1994
1350.0Projections of Australia's Population Growth and Distribution, Jul 1994 (Feature Article)1994
1350.0Purchasing power parities and real expenditures - 1999 benchmark results for OECD countries (Feature Article)Mar 2002
1350.0Purchasing Power Parities and Real Expenditures - 2002 Benchmark Results for OECD Countries (Feature Article)Mar 2005
1350.0Quarterly Review (Feature Article)Jan 2005
1350.0Quarterly Review (Feature Article)Jul 2005
1350.0Quarterly Review (Feature Article)Oct 2005
1350.0Quarterly Review (Feature Article)Jan 2006
1350.0Quarterly Review (Feature Article)Apr 2006
1350.0Real Estimates in the National Accounts, May 1994 (Feature Article)1994
1350.0Real gross State domestic income (Feature Article)Jul 2002
1350.0Recent Taxation Revenue Trends in Australia (Feature Article)Mar 2006
1350.0Recent Trends in Labour Force Participation, Nov 1995 (Feature Article)1995
1350.0Recent Trends in Overseas Migration, Oct 1991 (Feature Article)1991
1350.0Relative Earnings: Private and Public Sector, Nov 1994 (Feature Article)1994
1350.0Renters in Australia, Apr 1995 (Feature Article)1995
1350.0Review of the Experimental Composite Leading Indicator, Jul 1997 (Feature Article)1997
1350.0Review of the Experimental Composite Leading Indicator: The Housing Finance Component, Sep 1995 (Feature Article)1995
1350.0Revised Household Income Distribution Statistics (Feature Article)Jun 2003
1350.0Revisions to Quarterly Economic Growth Rates 1984-1993 (Feature Article)Jul 1998
1350.0Sales Tax (Feature Article)Jun 1998
1350.0Saving, borrowing, investment and wealth (Feature Article)Dec 2001
1350.0Seasonal and Trading Day Influences on Retail Turnover, Apr 1996 (Feature Article)1996
1350.0Seasonal Influences on Retail Trade for December 1998 (Feature Article)Apr 1999
1350.0Seasonally Adjusted and Trend Estimates for the Consumer Price Index (CPI) (Feature Article)Dec 2004
1350.0Seasonally adjusting the wage cost index experimental estimates (Feature Article)Apr 2002
1350.0Sense and Sensitivity, Jan 1996 (Feature Article)1996
1350.0Sifting the Signals From the Noise, Jun 1995 (Feature Article)1995
1350.0Smarter Data Use, Mar 1992 (Feature Article)1992
1350.0State Accounts: Trends in State and Territory Economic Activity, Sep 1992 (Feature Article)1992
1350.0Statistical Treatment of Economic Activity in the Timor Sea (Feature Article)Jan 2004
1350.0Statistical Treatment of the 2003 Rugby World Cup (Feature Article)Oct 2003
1350.0Supply and Use Table and the Quarterly National Accounts (Feature Article)Jul 2004
1350.0Surveying Non-Employers and Micro-Businesses in the Construction Industry (Feature Article)May 1999
1350.0Surveying Non-Employers and Micro-Businesses in the Construction Industry (Feature Article)May 1999
1350.0Telephone Interviewing - Effect on Labour Force Survey Estimates, Mar 1997 (Feature Article)1997
1350.0The Australian and New Zealand Standard Industrial Classification, Oct 1993 (Feature Article)1993
1350.0The Business Cycle in Australia: 1959 to 1992, Aug 1992 (Feature Article)1992
1350.0The Census of Population and Housing, Jul 1991 (Feature Article)1991
1350.0The Dynamics of Long-Term Unemployment, Jun 1994 (Feature Article)1994
1350.0The Economic Importance of Sport and Recreation, Jun 1993 (Feature Article)1993
1350.0The impact of the New Tax System on ABS statistics (Feature Article)Jul 2000
1350.0The International Comparison Program and Purchasing Power Parities (Feature Article)Dec 2005
1350.0The New Method for Seasonally Adjusting Crop Production Data (Feature Article)Jul 1999
1350.0The Relationship between changes in Interest Rates and Building Approvals (Feature Article)Nov 2001
1350.0The Role of a Business Register in a Statistical System, Sep 1991 (Feature Article)1991
1350.0The Sydney Olympic Games (Feature Article)Aug 2000
1350.0The Terms of Trade and the National Accounts (Feature Article)Dec 2004
1350.0The Terms of Trade and the National Accounts (Feature Article)Apr 2005
1350.0The Timeliness of Quarterly Income and Expenditure Accounts: An International Comparison, Sep 1993 (Feature Article)1993
1350.0The Timing of Quarterly Commonwealth Budget Sector Outlays, Jun 1992 (Feature Article)1992
1350.0The Underground Economy and Australia's GDP (Feature Article)Oct 2003
1350.0Tourism: A Statistical Overview, Dec 1992 (Feature Article)1992
1350.0Trade-Weighted Index: Method of Calculation (Feature Article)Mar 1998
1350.0Training Australia's Workers (Feature Article)Oct 1999
1350.0Training Australia's Workers (Feature Article)Oct 1999
1350.0Training Australia's Workers, May 1995 (Feature Article)1995
1350.0Treatment of Insurance Services in the Australian Consumer Price Index (Feature Article)Oct 2000
1350.0Trend estimates and unusual real events in ABS Statistics (Feature Article)Aug 2003
1350.0Trends in the Female-Male Earnings Ratio, Mar 1996 (Feature Article)1996
1350.0Understanding Labour Costs, Dec 1993 (Feature Article)1993
1350.0Understanding the building lifecycle by its cyclical nature (Feature Article)Dec 2003
1350.0Unemployment and participation rates in Australia: a cohort analysis (Feature Article)Jul 2004
1350.0Unpaid work and the Australian Economy (Feature Article)Jul 2001
1350.0Unpaid Work and the Australian Economy, Dec 1994 (Feature Article)1994
1350.0Updating the experimental composite leading indicator of the Australian business cycle (Feature Article)Mar 2001
1350.0Updating the experimental composite leading indicator of the Australian business cycle (Feature Article)Jun 2001
1350.0Updating the Experimental Composite Leading Indicator of the Australian Business Cycle: December Quarter 1999 (Feature Article)Mar 2000
1350.0Updating the Experimental Composite Leading Indicator of the Australian Business Cycle: December Quarter 2001 (Feature Article)Mar 2002
1350.0Updating the experimental composite leading indicator of the Australian business cycle: June Quarter 2000 (Feature Article)Sep 2000
1350.0Updating the Experimental Composite Leading Indicator of the Australian Business Cycle: June Quarter 2001 (Feature Article)Dec 2001
1350.0Updating the Experimental Composite Leading Indicator of the Australian Business Cycle: June Quarter 2002 (Feature Article)Sep 2002
1350.0Updating the Experimental Composite Leading Indicator of the Australian Business Cycle: June Quarter 2003 (Final Issue) (Feature Article)Sep 2003
1350.0Updating the Experimental Composite Leading Indicator of the Australian Business Cycle: Mar Qtr 2003 (Feature Article)Mar 2003
1350.0Updating the Experimental Composite Leading Indicator of the Australian Business Cycle: March Quarter 2000 (Feature Article)Jun 2000
1350.0Updating the Experimental Composite Leading Indicator of the Australian Business Cycle: March Quarter 2002 (Feature Article)Jun 2002
1350.0Updating the experimental composite leading indicator of the Australian business cycle: September Qtr 2000 (Feature Article)Dec 2000
1350.0Updating the Experimental Composite Leading Indicator of the Australian Business Cycle: September Quarter 2002 (Feature Article)Dec 2002
1350.0Upgrade of Capital Stock and Multifactor Productivity Estimates (Feature Article)Aug 1999
1350.0Upgrading household income distribution statistics (Feature Article)Apr 2002
1350.0Use of Arima Modelling to Reduce Revisions (Feature Article)Oct 2004
1350.0Using the unemployment rate series to illustrate the seasonal adjustment process (Feature Article)Apr 2000
1350.0Valuing Australia's Natural Resources - Part 1, Aug 1995 (Feature Article)1995
1350.0Valuing Australia's Natural Resources - Part 2, Oct 1995 (Feature Article)1995
1350.0Volatility of Labour Force Estimates (Feature Article)Dec 2002
1350.0What Dominates Movements in ABS Seasonally Adjusted Time Series? (Feature Article)Jul 2000
1350.0When it's not business-as-usual Implications for ABS time series (Feature Article)Aug 2009
1350.0Why are there differences between two seasonally adjusted measures of Australian total employment? (Feature Article)Dec 1999
1350.0Women In Small Business, Apr 1997 (Feature Article)1997
1362.7Housing Costs for Northern Territorians on a par with other Australians (Feature Article)May 2010
1362.7Indigenous People's Experience of Crime and Justice in the NT (Feature Article)Mar 2010
1362.7Population of the Northern Territory (Feature Article)Mar 2011
1362.7Territorians Buck the Trend on Green Issues (Feature Article)Nov 2009
1367.22006 Census: Regional Victoria in Profile (Feature Article)Sep 2007
1367.2Adult Literacy and Life Skills (Feature Article)Jun 2008
1367.2Child Care Usage In Victoria (Feature Article)Dec 2007
1367.2Living Arrangements of Victorians, 2006: A Life Course Perspective (Feature Article)Dec 2009
1367.2Measuring Victoria's Population (Feature Article)Mar 2009
1367.2Surplus Bedrooms in Melbourne Homes (Feature Article)Jun 2009
1367.2Underemployment: A Victorian Perspective (Feature Article)Dec 2010
1367.2Victorian Household Preparedness for Emergencies (Feature Article)Sep 2008
1367.2Water and energy efficiency elements of households in older and newer dwellings (Feature Article)Jun 2010
1367.2Workplace Growth in Victoria 2000—2007 (Feature Article)Mar 2008
1367.5A Century of Population Change in Western Australia (Feature Article)Sep 2001
1367.5A View of Housing Density in Perth (Feature Article)Dec 2001
1367.5A View of Housing Density in Perth, 2005-2009 (Feature Article)2010
1367.5Adult literacy in Western Australia (Feature Article)Dec 2009
1367.5Changing water and energy use in Perth homes (Feature Article)Jun 2007
1367.5Components of Western Australia's economic growth (Feature Article)Mar 2005
1367.5Crime and Safety in Western Australia (Feature Article)Mar 2001
1367.5Cultural diversity in Western Australia (Feature Article)Sep 2007
1367.5Demystifying Chain Volume Measures (Feature Article)Mar 2003
1367.5Disability, ageing and carers in Western Australia (Feature Article)Jun 2005
1367.5Drivers of Perth's rising prices (Feature Article)Dec 2006
1367.5Educational Participation in Western Australia (Feature Article)Dec 2001
1367.5Feature Article - Labour Force Trends in Western AustraliaJun 2006
1367.5Feature Article - Selected Statistics for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander People in Western AustraliaJun 2006
1367.5Foreign Capital Expenditure in Western Australia (Feature Article)Sep 2001
1367.5General Social Survey - Western Australian summary (Feature Article)Jun 2007
1367.5Household expenditure in Western Australia (Feature Article)Mar 2006
1367.5Housing Finance - Subsidies For First Home Buyers (Feature Article)Dec 2009