5.2 Summary of households receiving government assistance, by tenure type, 2001–02
5.3 Existing and new households in mainstream public rental housing, by states and territories, 2001–02
5.4 Indigenous households in state–territory owned and managed Indigenous housing, selected characteristics, by states and
territories, year ending 30 June 2002
5.5 CSHA Community housing data, selected characteristics, 2001–02
5.6 All Income units receiving CRA, remoteness area, by states and territories, week ending 30 June 2001
5.7 Other housing assistance, instances of assistance for year ending 30 June 2002
5.8 Indigenous SAAP clients aged 15 years or more, by state and territory, 2001–02
5.9 SAAP clients, by age and gender, 2001–02
5.10 SAAP support periods: main reason for seeking SAAP assistance, 2001–02
5.11 SAAP support periods: type of housing immediately before and after SAAP support, 2001–02
5.12 SAAP support periods: primary income source immediately before and after SAAP support, 2001–02
5.13 Children in Commonwealth supported child care, May 2002
5.14 Number and rates of children who were the subject of a child protection substantiation, by state and territory, 2001–02
5.15 Children who were the subject of a substantiation: type of abuse or neglect, by state and territory, 2001–02
5.16 Rates of children on care and protection orders and in out of home care, by state and territory, at 30 June 2002
5.18 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children in out-of-home care: whether placed in accordance with the Aboriginal Child
Placement Principle, by state and territory, at 30 June 2002
5.19 Adoptions of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children, by type of adoption and Indigenous status of the adoptive parents, by state and territory, 1998–99 to 2001–02
5.20 Estimated average number of people aged 10–17 years of age in juvenile detention centres, 1996–97 to 2000–01
5.21 Estimated average number of people aged 10–17 years of age in juvenile detention centres, per 100,000 population, 1996–97 to 2000–01
5.22 Consumers of CSDA-funded services on a snapshot day, by service group, 2002
5.23 Consumers of CSDA-funded services on a snapshot day, by frequency of support needed in ADLs, AILs and AWECs, 2002
5.24 Consumers of CSDA-funded services on a snapshot day, by disability group, 2002
5.25 Consumers of CSDA-funded services on a snapshot day, by age, 2002
5.26 Rates of usage and number of residents/recipients of aged care services, by age, 30 June 2002
5.27 Age profile of residential aged care residents (permanent and respite), 1 July 2001 to 30 June 2002
5.28 Age profile of Community Aged Care Package recipients, 30 June 2002