4.1 Estimated health expenditures per person, by program, 1998–99
4.2 Estimated state and territory government expenditures on health services, 1998–99
4.3 Health professionals per 100,000 persons, 1999
4.4 Distance to nearest hospital, 1999 and 2001
4.5 Access to medical emergency air service, 2001
4.6 Distance to nearest community health centre, 2001
4.7 Distance to nearest first aid clinic, 2001
4.8 Distance to nearest chemist or dispensary, 2001
4.9 Access to health professionals, 2001
4.10 Access to health promotion programs, 2001
4.11 Households without vehicles, by remoteness, 2001
4.12 Dwellings without vehicles, by state or territory, 2001
4.13 Persons with private health insurance, by age of respondent, 2001
4.14 Employment in health-related occupations, 2001
4.15 Employment in health-related occupations, by jurisdiction, 2001
4.16 Employment in selected welfare and community service-related occupations, 2001
4.17 Employment in welfare and community service-related occupations, by jurisdiction, 2001
4.18 Indigenous undergraduate students in health and welfare-related courses, 2000–01
4.19 Health-related actions, by Indigenous status, 2001
4.20 People reporting dentist visits within the last two years, 2001
4.21 Persons using medications for selected conditions, by age of respondent, 2001
4.22 Distribution of Commonwealth funded Aboriginal Primary Health Care Services, 2000–01
4.23 Commonwealth funded Aboriginal Primary Health Care Services: roles and activities, 2000–01
4.24 Age distribution of patients at general practitioner encounters, by Indigenous status, 2000–01
4.26 Client registrations in alcohol and drug treatment services, by age group, 2000–01
4.27 Substance users, selected principal drug of concern, 2000–01
4.29 Hospital separations, by state or territory of usual residence, 2000–01
4.30 Indigenous hospital separations, by principal diagnosis, 2000–01
4.31 Age-specific hospital separation rates, 2000–01
4.32 Age-specific hospital separation rates, excluding ‘Care involving dialysis’, 2000–01
4.33 Separations with a procedure recorded, by principal diagnosis, 2000–01
4.34 Procedures, by state or territory of patient’s usual residence, 2000–01
4.35 Procedures for Indigenous patients, by ICD-10-AM procedure chapter, 2000–01
4.36 Age-specific procedure rates, 2000–01
4.37 Age-specific procedure rates, excluding haemodialysis, 2000–01