The estimates presented in this paper are classified by industry, in accordance with the 2006 edition of the ANZSIC (cat. no. 1292.0) and by institutional sector, in accordance with the Standard Institutional Sector of Australia (SISCA), as detailed in Standard Economic Sector Classifications of Australia (SESCA) (cat. no. 1218.0).
The scope of the experimental estimates in this paper is based on the scope of the EAS, with further constraints imposed to match the scope of QBIS. For a detailed explanation of the scope and methodology of these surveys see Explanatory Notes for Australian Industry (cat. no. 8155.0) and Business Indicators (cat. no. 5676.0). In brief, the scope of the experimental estimates in this paper consists of all business entities on the Australian Bureau of Statistics Business Register (ABSBR) operating in the Australian economy during the reference period, except for:
- In most industries, entities classified to SISCA Sector 3 General government. The one industry for which general government units are included is Water supply, sewerage and drainage services (ANZSIC Subdivision 28, within Division D Electricity, gas, water and waste).
- Entities classified to Agriculture, forestry and fishing, Financial and insurance services or Public administration and safety (ANZSIC Divisions A, K and O, respectively)
- Entities classified to Private households employing staff (ANZSIC Subdivision 96, within Division S Other services).
Education and training and
Health care and social assistance (ANZSIC Divisions P and Q, respectively) are conceptually in scope of these analyses, QBIS does not collect information on sales and service income or other expenses for these ANZSIC divisions. Thus no adjustment has been applied to these data items for these industries.
Additionally, entities with an employment size of less than 20 on the ABSBR are within scope of the experimental estimates, but are ineligible for adjustment. Data reported by these businesses still contribute to the estimates, but are not adjusted as part of the process described below. Such conditions of the methodology are explained in Chapter 4. The final scope of off-June adjusted experimental estimates is summarised in Figure 1.