The revised annual extended labour force underutilisation rate was released in the July 2009 issue of Australian Labour Market Statistics (cat. no. 6105.0). This rate provides the broadest ABS measure of labour underutilisation in Australia. It is now published in respect of August (instead of September) to have a common reference period with the labour force underutilisation rate. The extended labour force underutilisation rate now uses data from the Labour Force Survey (LFS), rather than data from both the LFS and the annual Underemployed Workers survey.
The revisions to the extended labour force underutilisation rate are discussed further in the article Extended labour force underutilisation rate, which was published in the July 2009 issue of Australian Labour Market Statistics (cat. no. 6105.0).
For more information please contact Bjorn Jarvis on (02) 6252 6552 or email <bjorn.jarvis@abs.gov.au>.