Input-Output tables show, in some detail, the components of gross domestic product for a given period. They also show the links between the various industries within the Australian economy.
A total of 106 industries are shown in the Input-Output tables, six of which relate to culture and leisure. Statistics on the value of Australian production, imports and exports for approximately 1,000 separate commodities are also available. Several of these commodities are related to culture and leisure.
The Australian National Accounts are a systematic way of showing the output of the Australian economy. Input-Output tables are produced from the Australian National Accounts. In turn, Input-Output multipliers are derived from the Input-Output tables.
The impact of an activity on the economy can be evaluated by using Input-Output multipliers. Input-Output multipliers can be used to provide answers about the likely impacts of an increase in demand for the output of an industry, the likely impact of new projects and the likely results of import replacement strategies, not only on the industry itself, but on all other industries in the economy.
The ABS compiles the Australian National Accounts from a wide range of statistical sources, many of which are described within this directory. More information about compilation methods and data sources is provided in Australian National Accounts: Concepts, Sources and Methods (Cat. no. 5216.0).
The Input-Output industry classification is based on ANZSIC and contains 106 industry classes, including:
2401 Printing and services to printing (corresponds with ANZSIC Group 241)
2402 Publishing; recorded media and publishing (corresponds with ANZSIC Groups 242 and 243)
5701 Accommodation, cafes and restaurants (corresponds with ANZSIC Subdivision 57)
9101 Motion picture, radio and television services (corresponds with ANZSIC Subdivision 91)
9201 Libraries, museums and the arts (corresponds with ANZSIC Subdivision 92)
9301 Sport, gambling and recreational services (corresponds with ANZSIC Subdivision 93)
The Input-Output product classification is based on ANZSIC and the Australian and New Zealand Standard Commodity Classification (ANZSCC) and contains approximately 1,000 commodities. Approximately 60 of these are related to culture and leisure, including:
Swimwear, knitted sweatsuits, tracksuits, jogging suits, leisuresuits and jumpsuits
Sports footwear, rubber thongs
Pre-recorded audio, video tapes, computer tapes or disks, compact disks and records, manufactured or published
Meal preparation and presentation
Motion picture production
Performing arts venue operation
Ski slope and similar services
Casinos operation
Television and video hire
Product details
Value of Australian production
Value of competing imports
Value of complementary imports
Value of exports
Components of final demand
Industry details
Compensation of employees
Gross operating surplus and mixed income
Gross value added
Output multiplier
Shows the relationship between the initial increase in output (in dollar terms) required from an industry and the total increase in output (in dollar terms) by all industries.
Income multiplier
Shows the relationship between the initial increase in output (in dollar terms) required from an industry and the total increase in compensation of employees by all industries.
Gross value added multiplier
Shows the relationship between the initial increase in output (in dollar terms) required from an industry and the total increase in gross value added by all industries (this comprises compensation of employees plus gross operating surplus earned by businesses, and excludes the value of goods and services provided by other industries that is used in producing the output).
Employment multiplier
Shows the number of extra persons employed for an initial expenditure of $1 million on output from an industry.
The collection was started on an experimental basis for reference year 1958-59. Intervals between reference periods have ranged from one to five years. Data are available on a consistent basis since 1992-93 (when ANZSIC was introduced).
Australian Bureau of Statistics 2001, Input-Output Tables, Australia, 1996-97, Cat. no. 5209.0, ABS, Canberra. Price $28.00. Also available for several earlier reference periods.
Australian Bureau of Statistics 2001, Input-Output Tables - Product Details, Australia, 1996-97, Cat. no. 5215.0, ABS, Canberra. Price $25.00. Also available for several earlier reference periods.
Australian Bureau of Statistics 1995, Information Paper: Australian National Accounts: Introduction to Input-Output Multipliers, Cat. no. 5246.0, ABS, Canberra. Price $19.50
Cultural Ministers Council Statistics Working Group 2001, Multipliers for Culture-Related Industries, CMC SWG, Canberra. Available free of charge under 'Statistical information' on the CMC SWG web site at <>.
Cultural Ministers Council Statistics Working Group 1997, Measuring the Impact of Festivals, CMC SWG, Canberra. Free of charge.
Australian Bureau of Statistics, Australian National Accounts: Input-Output Tables - Electronic Publication, Cat. no. 5209.0.55.001, ABS, Canberra. Free of charge. First issued in respect of1998-99.
Australian Bureau of Statistics, Australian National Accounts: Input-Output Tables (Product Details) - Electronic Publication, Cat. no. 5215.0.55.001, ABS, Canberra. Free of charge. First issued in respect of1998-99.
Australian Bureau of Statistics 2001, Tailored Input-Output Products on Floppy Disk,1996-97 Cat. no. 5209.0.15.001. Price on application.
In the first instance, refer to To obtain data or further information in the Introduction to this directory.
For culture-related data:
National Centre for Culture and Recreation Statistics
Australian Bureau of Statistics
GPO Box 2272
Telephone: Adelaide 08 8237 7326
Facsimile: Adelaide 08 8237 7366
For further information about Input-Output statistics:
Assistant Director
Input-Output Section
Australian Bureau of Statistics
Locked Bag 10
Telephone: Canberra 02 6252 6908
Facsimile: Canberra 02 6252 6583