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Estimates are produced on an original basis only (i.e. not seasonally adjusted) and include: Socio-demographic information State or territory of usual residence, capital city/balance of state, region of usual residence, sex, marital status, relationship in household, country of birth, year of arrival, age group and whether had child(ren) under 15 years. Employment characteristics Full-time or part-time status, occupation, industry, status in employment, whether had an arrangement with employer to work at home, hours actually worked, hours usually worked and employment type.
Location of work All locations of work, main location of work, number of locations of work and whether worked at home. Home based work Hours actually worked at home, hours usually worked at home, main reason for working at home, use of information technology at home, occupation in job worked at home, industry in job worked at home and status in employment in job worked at home. 21.8.5 Data collected in the survey are compiled according to concepts and definitions outlined in Chapter 4 (Employment Measures and Classifications) and Chapter 16 (Other Classifications used in Labour Statistics).
SCOPE 21.8.6 The scope of this survey is restricted to persons aged 15 years and over. The standard scope restrictions for supplementary surveys outlined in the overview part of Chapter 21 (Labour Force Supplementary Surveys) also applies to this survey.
DATA COMPARABILITY OVER TIME 21.8.7 In order to provide a high degree of consistency and comparability over time, changes to survey methods, survey concepts, data item definitions, frequency of collection, and analysis methods are made as infrequently as possible. The changes to the survey scope and sample size mean that the standard errors for the surveys estimates differ over time. Changes affecting the Labour Force Survey may also affect this survey. Such changes are outlined in Chapter 20 (Labour Force Survey) and are not repeated here. The main changes to the Locations of Work survey are outlined below. 1989 Initial survey conducted in April - data published in Persons Employed at Home, Australia (cat. no. 6275.0). Persons employed at home defined as persons who usually worked more hours at home than elsewhere, in their main or second job. Farmers, ASCO unit groups 1401 (farmers and farm managers) and 8201(farm hands and assistants) were excluded. 1992 Survey conducted in March. 1995 Survey conducted in September. Sample restricted to seven-eighths of the Labour Force Survey sample. 2000 Survey conducted in June. Survey redeveloped, considerably expanded and renamed Locations of Work. Persons living in remote and sparsely settled areas excluded from scope. Persons employed at home redefined as people who, in the reference week, mainly or only work at home or in the home of another person (not employer's or client's home) or work at own home or in the home of another person as part of their formal working arrangements. Farmers who only or mainly worked at home were also included. Note: 'persons employed at home' as defined in the 1989, 1992 and 1995 surveys are not identifiable in the 2000 survey. 2005 Survey conducted in November. Survey definition relating to 'employed persons who worked at home' redeveloped. People were defined as working 'only or mainly at home in main or second job' if they worked more hours at their own home than any other single location in their main job or in their second job. Additional data items regarding working arrangements and the use of information technology in job at home were collected for this survey. 2008 Additional new data items collected in this survey. From 2008, there have been minor changes to the data items 'All locations of work' and 'Main location of work'. Changes to the way in which hours usually worked at home in main and/or second job were collected were made. From 2008, people did not have to work in their main job, however had to work in a job in the reference week to have their usual hours worked at home in their main job collected. In 2005, only people who actually worked at home in the reference week had their usual hours worked at home in their main job collected. For multiple jobholders in 2008, people had to work in their second job in the reference week to have their usual hours worked at home in second job collected. In 2005, only people who actually worked at home in their second job in the reference week had their usual hours worked at home in their second job collected. FURTHER INFORMATION 21.8 For further details contact the Labour Market Statistics Section in Canberra on (02) 6252 7206 or email <>.