| Welcome
Includes: Introduction and News, Children and Youth Statistical Portal, 2006 Census of Population and Housing
The Children and Youth Statistical Portal was released in October.
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| Recent Releases
Includes: ABS Releases, Non-ABS Releases
Find out about recent releases covering children and youth.
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| Upcoming Releases
Includes: ABS Releases
Find out about publications that will be released in the next few months. |
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| Latest Findings
Includes: General Social Survey, Voluntary Work Australia
Nearly one-quarter (24%) of 18–24 year olds were the victim of physical or threatened violence in the past 12 months.
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| Children and Youth Developments
Includes: Review of the Children and Youth Information Development Plan, Childhood Education and Care Survey
The Children and Youth Information Development Plan is under review.
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| Children and Youth Events
Includes: Recent Events, Upcoming Events
Find out about children and youth conferences and seminars around the nation |
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| Contact Us
Includes: Your Feedback, National Information and Referral Service, Children and Youth Theme Page
Contact the ABS to find out more about children and youth statistics.