Scope of the survey
The scope of the estimates from this survey is all usual residents in private dwellings throughout Australia, excluding very remote dwellings. The survey collected information by personal interview from usual residents of private dwellings in urban and rural areas of Australia, covering about 98 per cent of the people living in Australia. Private dwellings are houses, flats, home units, caravans, garages, tents and other structures that are used as places of residence at the time of interview. Long-stay caravan parks are also included. These are distinct from non-private dwellings which include hotels, boarding schools, boarding houses and institutions. Residents of non-private dwellings are excluded.
The survey excludes:
- households which contain members of non-Australian defence forces stationed in Australia;
- households which contain diplomatic personnel of overseas governments; and
- households in collection districts defined as very remote or Indigenous Communities.
Also excluded were persons living in very remote parts of Australia. The exclusion of these persons will have only a minor impact on any aggregate estimates that are produced, particularly as the Time Use Survey is designed to produce National rather than State/Territory estimates.
Coverage rules
Information was collected from usual residents only. Usual residents were residents who regarded the dwelling as their own or main home. Others present were considered to be visitors and were not asked to participate in the survey.