Households in the Monthly Population Survey are interviewed over eight consecutive months, and people who respond in consecutive months form a matched sample. It is from this matched sample that the ABS can produce Labour Force Survey (LFS) gross flows, which show month-to-month labour market transitions.
Gross flows data is released in Labour Force, Australia (cat. no. 6202.0) including the gross flows datacube (GM1). The gross flows datacube was previously released in Labour Force, Australia, Detailed - Electronic Delivery (cat. no. 6291.0.55.001).
Gross flows data is based on a matched sample rather than the full sample, and as a consequence they do not match other published LFS estimates. The ABS is currently investigating methods of ensuring gross flows estimates are consistent with other LFS estimates. It is expected that as a result of this work the gross flows estimates will better represent the Australian population, and provide a better indication of the overall behaviour of the labour market. The ABS is planning to release improved gross flows estimates in late 2010.
For more information please contact Susan Schemen on (02) 6252 5171 or email <>.