Cultural Funding by Government, Australia, 2008-09
Cultural Funding by Government, Australia, 2008-09 (cat. no. 4183.0) was released on 18 August 2010.
This publication contains estimates of Australian public funding for arts and cultural activities, facilities and services across three levels of government for 2008-09 and 2007-08.
The survey of Cultural Funding by Government, 2008-09 collected information on recurrent and capital expenditure by Australian and state government departments (including selected authorities, corporations and councils) for heritage and arts cultural activities, facilities and services. Funding data in this publication are aligned, where possible, with the categories specified in the Industry Classification of the Australian Culture and Leisure Classifications, Second edition (cat. no. 4902.0), released in 2008. Cultural activities have been classified into two major groups: Heritage; and the Arts.
Estimates reported at the Australian government, and state and territory government level for 2008-09 and 2007-08 are not comparable with data prior to 2007-08 due to changes in methodology, scope and coverage of the collection implemented for the 2007-08 collection. Prior to the 2007-08 collection, estimates were compiled from administrative by-product data obtained by the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) from annual reports and budget papers, and from information provided by selected Australian Government authorities and state and territory governments. From 2007-08, estimates have been compiled using information provided directly to the ABS via an electronic form which is sent to all in-scope government departments (including selected agencies, authorities and corporations).
Local government funding data is obtained by the ABS from state and territory Local Government Grants Commissions data, or equivalent. The local government data is classified according to the Local Government Purpose Classification (LGPC).
During the course of the 2008-09 collection, expenditure reported by some government departments for 2007-08 was revised. These data revisions for 2007-08 have been included in this release.
Some data for Queensland:
- In 2008-09, the State Government spent $654 million on cultural funding ($149.72 per person). Heritage received $488 million and Arts $166 million.
- In 2008-09, local government cultural funding was $235 million ($53.73 per person). Libraries received $141 million and Performing arts $36 million.
Government Financial Estimates, Australia, 2010-11
Government Financial Estimates, Australia, 2010-11 (cat. no. 5501.0.55.001) was released on 24 August 2010.
This release presents consolidated budget forecasts for the general government sector for Commonwealth and all jurisdictions except for South Australia. South Australia is excluded as its budget has not yet been released. There will be a subsequent release to include South Australia, Total State, Multi-jurisdictional, Total Local and Total Australia in October 2010, after the release of the South Australian budget. Government Financial Estimates (GFE) for the Commonwealth and state governments are compiled from initial budget forecasts. Two main statements are presented; the Operating Statement and the Cash Flow Statement.
Some data for Queensland:
- For 2010-11, the operating statement for the general government sector showed a Government Finance Statistics (GFS) net operating balance of -$1,745 million and GFS net borrowing of $7,314 million.
- For 2010-11, the cash flow statement for the general government sector showed a deficit of $6,468 million.
Estimates of Personal Income for Small Areas, Time Series, 2003-04 to 2007-08
Estimates of Personal Income for Small Areas, Time Series, 2003-04 to 2007-08 (cat. no. 6524.0.55.002) was released 14 September 2010.
This release contains estimates of the sources and amount of personal income people received for the years 2003-04 to 2007-08, for Statistical Local Areas (SLAs) and other geographies - Local Government Area (LGA), Statistical Subdivision (SSD), Statistical Division (SD), State/Territory and Australia.
Data are provided on the number of individuals and the amount of personal income received from Wage and salary, Own unincorporated business, Investment, Superannuation and annuities, and Other income (excluding government pensions and allowances). An estimate of total personal income (excluding government pensions and allowances) is also provided.
The estimates have been compiled using aggregated individual income tax data from the Australian Taxation Office (ATO). The compilation of these data are part of the ABS' program to increase the availability of regional statistics, particularly through the use of administrative data collected by other government agencies. The ABS wishes to acknowledge the invaluable support of the ATO in compiling these statistics.
Some data for Queensland:
- Queensland's average total personal income from all sources was $41,911 in 2007-08. Brisbane's average total personal income from all sources during the same period was $44,768 and for Balance of Queensland was $39,348.
- The Statistical Local Area (SLA) with the highest average total personal income in Queensland in 2007-08 was the Brisbane suburb of Ascot ($84,766). The highest SLA average total personal income outside Brisbane was Isaac (R) - Belyando ($62,100) which is located in a mining region.