Map of the ACR
The Australian Capital Region (ACR) comprises the ACT and the 17 surrounding Local Government Areas. Federal, state, territory, and local representatives from these areas meet regularly to discuss common issues through the Regional Leaders Forum (RLF).
Map of the Region
Statistical Local Areas

ESTIMATED RESIDENT POPULATION(a), Australian Capital Region - by Statistical Local Area
 | 2008 |  |  | 2008 |
 | persons |  |  | persons |
Australian Capital Territory persons |
Acton | p1 944 |  | Holder | p2 705 |
Ainslie | p5 147 |  | Rivett | p3 188 |
Braddon | p4 071 |  | Stirling | p2 098 |
Campbell | p3 308 |  | Stromlo | p74 |
City | p1 014 |  | Waramanga | p2 585 |
Dickson | p2 134 |  | Weston | p3 257 |
Downer | p3 505 |  | Weston Creek-Stromlo - SSD Bal | p21 |
Duntroon | p1 775 |  | Banks | p5 293 |
Hackett | p2 982 |  | Bonython | p3 493 |
Kowen | p48 |  | Calwell | p6 013 |
Lyneham | p4 809 |  | Chisholm | p5 488 |
Majura | p124 |  | Conder | p5 418 |
O'Connor | p5 354 |  | Fadden | p3 273 |
Reid | p1 642 |  | Gilmore | p2 948 |
Russell | p- |  | Gordon | p8 096 |
Turner | p3 455 |  | Gowrie | p3 268 |
Watson | p4 679 |  | Greenway | p1 285 |
Aranda | p2 533 |  | Isabella Plains | p4 388 |
Belconnen Town Centre | p3 331 |  | Kambah | p15 893 |
Belconnen - SSD Bal | p42 |  | Macarthur | p1 558 |
Bruce | p4 733 |  | Monash | p5 564 |
Charnwood | p3 162 |  | Oxley | p1 901 |
Cook | p2 986 |  | Richardson | p3 311 |
Dunlop | p6 615 |  | Theodore | p4 129 |
Evatt | p5 588 |  | Tuggeranong - SSD Bal | p65 |
Florey | p5 305 |  | Wanniassa | p8 096 |
Flynn | p3 637 |  | Barton | p1 132 |
Fraser | p2 226 |  | Deakin | p2 694 |
Giralang | p3 416 |  | Forrest | p1 385 |
Hawker | p2 948 |  | Fyshwick | p62 |
Higgins | p3 162 |  | Griffith | p4 311 |
Holt | p4 921 |  | Harman | p95 |
Kaleen | p7 797 |  | Hume | p4 |
Latham | p3 839 |  | Jerrabomberra | p13 |
McKellar | p2 930 |  | Kingston | p2 852 |
Macgregor | p3 613 |  | Narrabundah | p5 795 |
Macquarie | p2 540 |  | Oaks Estate | p253 |
Melba | p3 387 |  | Parkes | p6 |
Page | p2 802 |  | Pialligo | p132 |
Scullin | p2 875 |  | Red Hill | p3 349 |
Spence | p2 719 |  | Symonston | p520 |
Weetangera | p2 662 |  | Yarralumla | p3 014 |
Chifley | p2 399 |  | Amaroo | p6 366 |
Curtin | p5 341 |  | Bonner | p- |
Farrer | p3 489 |  | Casey | p- |
Garran | p3 310 |  | Crace | p- |
Hughes | p2 989 |  | Forde | p141 |
Isaacs | p2 510 |  | Franklin | p302 |
Lyons | p2 527 |  | Gungahlin | p4 164 |
Mawson | p3 040 |  | Gungahlin-Hall - SSD Bal | p21 |
O'Malley | p845 |  | Hall | p362 |
Pearce | p2 617 |  | Harrison | p3 660 |
Phillip | p2 049 |  | Mitchell | p5 |
Torrens | p2 310 |  | Ngunnawal | p9 628 |
Chapman | p2 755 |  | Nicholls | p7 367 |
Duffy | p3 163 |  | Palmerston | p5 953 |
Fisher | p3 159 |  | Remainder of ACT | p294 |
Australian Capital Region - remainder |  |  |  |
|  |  |  |
Palerang (A) - Pt A | p10 266 |  |  |  |
Queanbeyan (C) | p39 603 |  |  |  |
Boorowa (A) | p2 390 |  |  |  |
Goulburn Mulwaree (A) - Goulburn | p21 304 |  |  |  |
Goulburn Mulwaree (A) Bal | p6 402 |  |  |  |
Harden (A) | p3 636 |  |  |  |
Palerang (A) - Pt B | p3 586 |  |  |  |
Upper Lachlan Shire (A) | p7 392 |  |  |  |
Yass Valley (A) | p14 395 |  |  |  |
Young (A) | p12 547 |  |  |  |
Bega Valley (A) | p32 956 |  |  |  |
Eurobodalla (A) | p37 064 |  |  |  |
Bombala (A) | p2 601 |  |  |  |
Cooma-Monaro (A) | p10 202 |  |  |  |
Snowy River (A) | p7 894 |  |  |  |
Cootamundra (A) | p7 530 |  |  |  |
Gundagai (A) | p3 827 |  |  |  |
Tumut Shire (A) | p11 236 |  |  |  |
Tumbarumba (A) | p3 672 |  |  |  |
- nil or rounded to zero (including null cells)
p preliminary figure or series subject to revision
(a) The dataset contains estimates of the resident population of Statistical Local Areas (SLAs) as at 30 June 2008. Data are preliminary for 2008, based on the results of the 2006 Census of Population and Housing. SLAs are based on the Australian Standard Geographical Classification 2008 Edition for all years. Further information about the estimates in this dataset, including advice about limitations, should be obtained from the Explanatory Notes of Regional Population Growth, Australia (cat. no. 3218.0).
Source: Regional Population Growth, Australia (cat. no. 3218.0). |