Major indicators of profitability showed limited movement during the year. Earnings before interest, tax, depreciation and amortisation (EBITDA) of the electricity supply industry in 2006-07 was virtually stable, at $9.4b. Operating profit before tax (OPBT) increased by 6% (or $184m).
Electricity generation and Electricity distribution made similar contributions, 41% ($3.8b) and 40% ($3.7b) respectively, to the electricity supply industry's EBITDA. In terms of OPBT, Electricity distribution accounted for 59% ($3.0b) and Electricity generation 29% ($1.5b).
The electricity supply industry returned a profit margin of 12.8% in 2006-07. Profit margins within the industry ranged from 1.2% in On selling electricity and electricity market operation to 22.2% in Electricity distribution.