Food product manufacturing
In 2006-07, Food product manufacturing was the largest manufacturing industry as measured by it's sales and service income (17%), wages and salaries (17%), employment (20%) and labour costs (17%). It also ranked second in IVA (15%), EBITDA (11%), and net capital expenditure (13%).
The industry remains dominated by businesses employing 100 or more persons. These businesses contributed 73% of the subdivision's IVA, 73% of sales and service income, 72% of wages and salaries and 57% of employment.
Beverage and tobacco product manufacturing
Despite recording the third lowest contribution to employment (3%), Beverage and tobacco product manufacturing was the second highest contributor to OPBT (11%) and the third highest contributor to EBITDA (9%) in 2006-07.
Overall the subdivision's sales and service income was up 11% and IVA was up 8%. Businesses employing 1,000 or more persons in this industry are especially prominent as they contributed 52% of total sales and service income, 47% of wages and salaries, 47% of IVA and 39% of employment.
Textile, leather, clothing and footwear manufacturing
Textile, leather, clothing and footwear manufacturing is one of the smaller manufacturing subdivisions by several key measures presented in 2006-07. It made the third smallest contribution to sales and service income (2%),OPBT (2%), and EBITDA (4%) and the second smallest contribution net capital expenditure (1%). It also contributed 3% to IVA and 4% to wages and salaries.
Businesses employing 0-4 persons are still highly influential in this subdivision, accounting for 24% of total employment, 15% of IVA, 14% of sales and service income and 10% of wages and salaries. However the employment category having the biggest impact on most variables was businesses employing 20-49 persons.
Wood product manufacturing
In 2006-07, Wood product manufacturing accounted for 5% of total manufacturing employment, 4% of IVA and wages and salaries, 3% of sales and service income, EBITDA and OPBT, and 2% of net capital expenditure, the third lowest contribution for that particular variable.
Employment size is fairly well spread across Wood product manufacturing, however all businesses employing less than 100 persons contributed 67% of total employment, 58% of wages and salaries, 55% of IVA and 53% of sales and service income.
Pulp, paper and converted product manufacturing
Pulp, paper and converted paper product manufacturing was one of the smallest manufacturing industries across all variables in 2006-07. It was the lowest contributor to OPBT, accounting for just 1% of the manufacturing total. It was also the second lowest contributor to employment (2%), wages and salaries (3%) and labour costs (3%) and the third lowest contributor to IVA and EBITDA, accounting for 3% and 2% respectively.
Businesses employing 100 or more persons dominate this subdivision, accounting for 81% of IVA, 81% of sales and service income, 78% of wages and salaries and 62% of employment.
Printing (including the reproduction of recorded media)
In 2006-07, Printing (including the reproduction of recorded media) experienced declines in all key variables, with the exception of IVA, EBITDA and OPBT. In these particular variables the subdivision has contributed 4% to IVA, 3% to EBITDA and 2% to OPBT. Following the declines, Printing (including the reproduction of recorded media) accounted for 5% of total employment, 5% of wages & salaries and 2% of sales and service income, the second lowest contribution of all manufacturing industries.
Employment size is fairly well spread across Printing (including the reproduction of recorded media). Businesses employing less than 100 persons and businesses greater than 100 persons contributed similar percentages to wages and salaries, sales and service income and IVA.
Petroleum and coal product manufacturing
Petroleum and coal product manufacturing was the third highest contributor to sales and service income for all manufacturing, accounting for 10% of the total in 2006-07. It also contributed 4% to EBITDA and OPBT. Despite the high sales and service income figures, Petroleum and coal product manufacturing contributed the lowest amount to employment, wages and salaries and labour costs (all 1%) and was also the second lowest contributor to IVA (3%).
This industry is dominated by businesses employing 1,00 or more people. These businesses accounted for 84% of total wages and salaries, 77% of employment, 97% of sales and service income and 90% of IVA.
Basic chemical and chemical product manufacturing
In 2006-07, Basic chemical and chemical product manufacturing experienced modest gains across all key variables, accounting for 10% of total OPBT, 8% of EBITDA, 7% of sales and service income, 7% of IVA, 6% of wages and salaries and 4% of employment for all manufacturing.
Businesses employing 1,000 or more persons are the most influential in Basic chemical and chemical product manufacturing. These businesses accounted for 31% of total IVA, 27% of wages and salaries and sales and service income, and 22% of employment.
Polymer product and rubber product manufacturing
Much like the Basic chemical and chemical product manufacturing industry, Polymer product and rubber product manufacturing has experienced solid gains across all key data items with the exception of employment which is down by just 1,068 persons (or 2%). The subdivision contributed 5% to total employment. It also contributed 6% to total wages and salaries, 5% to IVA and 4% to sales and service income, EBITDA and OPBT.
Employment size in Polymer product and rubber product manufacturing is concentrated mainly between businesses employing 20-199 persons. These businesses account for 45% of total sales and service income, 42% of employment and IVA and 41% of wages and salaries.
Non-metallic mineral product manufacturing
A number of key variables for Non-metallic mineral product manufacturing showed little change in 2006-07. Employment, wages and salaries and OPBT remained particularly stagnant, accounting for 5%, 5% and 4% of total manufacturing respectively. Sales and service income (4%), EBITDA and IVA (both 5%) experienced larger rises but still contributed similar amounts to the total manufacturing estimate.
Businesses employing 1,000 persons or more clearly contribute most to key data items, accounting for 30% of total sales and service income, 29% of IVA, 28% of wages and salaries and 23% of employment.
Primary metal and metal product manufacturing
In 2006-07, Primary metal and metal product manufacturing has been one of the strongest manufacturing industries, contributing the most to OPBT (27%), EBITDA (25%), net capital expenditure (24%) and IVA (15%). It was also the second highest contributor to sales and service income (16%) but contributed less strongly to wages and salaries (9%) and employment (6%).
Businesses employing 1,000 persons or more are particularly influential in this subdivision. These businesses accounted for 53% of total wages and salaries, 44% of employment, 43% of IVA and 35% of sales and service income.
Fabricated metal product manufacturing
Fabricated metal product manufacturing was the third highest contributor to employment (11%) in 2006-07 for all manufacturing. This was despite a slight fall of 464 persons (or 0.4%) from 2005-06. All other key data items have experienced slight increases although none are contributing significantly to the overall estimates. Wages and salaries are contributing 10%, OPBT and IVA are contributing 9%, EBITDA is contributing 8% and sales and service income is contributing 7%.
Businesses employing less than 100 persons are having the largest impact in this industry. These businesses accounted for 68% of total employment, 59% of IVA and wages and salaries, and 57% of sales and service income.
Transport equipment manufacturing
In 2006-07, Transport equipment manufacturingwas the third highest contributor to wages and salaries, labour costs and net capital expenditure (all 12%) for total manufacturing. For other key variables moderate increases or slight decreases have been experienced. Employment and sales and service income are down slightly on 2005-06 (2% and 0.2% respectively), with employment contributing just 10% and sales and service income only 9% to the total manufacturing estimate. All other key data items in this subdivision are also less influential with IVA contributing 9%, EBITDA 6% and OPBT 3%.
Businesses employing 1,000 or more persons had largest impact on the subdivision total. These businesses accounted for 51% of total sales and service income, 46% of total wages and salaries, 42% of IVA and 35% of employment.
Machinery and equipment manufacturing
Machinery and equipment manufacturing was the second highest contributor to employment, wages and salaries, and labour costs (all 12%) and was also the third highest contributor to IVA and OPBT (both 11%). Sales and service income and EBITDA contributed similar amounts to the manufacturing total of 9% and 8% respectively, making it one of the stronger industries.
Business size is reasonably spread but businesses employing 20-49 persons are the most dominant in Machinery and equipment manufacturing. These businesses accounted for 19% of employment, 17% of wages and salaries, 15% of IVA and 15% of sales and service income.
Furniture and other manufacturing
In 2006-07, Furniture and other manufacturing is the smallest subdivision by most key measures presented. It has contributed the least to sales and service income, IVA (both 2%), EBITDA and net capital expenditure (both 1%). It was the third lowest contributor to wages and salaries and labour costs (both 3%). Employment has contributed just 4%.
Businesses employing 20-49 persons had the largest impact in this small subdivision. These businesses accounted for 30% of employment, 32% of wages and salaries, 27% of IVA and 25% of sales and service income of the industry total.