The official population of the Northern Territory (NT) at June 30, 2007, was 214 975 persons, an increase of 2% from the previous year's population of 210 674. The 2006-07 growth rate of 2% was higher than the NT's average annual growth rate of 1.5% for the five years to June 2007. The NT's population is most concentrated around the capital city of Darwin, and the central Australian town of Alice Springs. Approximately 34% of the population lives in the Statistical Subdivision (SSD) of Darwin City, with 21% living in the surrounding SSDs of Palmerston-East Arm and Litchfield. A further 19% live in the SSD of Central NT, where Alice Springs is located.
% Population change: Northern Territory
- 2004 to 2007
At June 30, 2007 there were 108 males for every 100 females in the NT. As illustrated in the following graph, in all of the selected age groups except the 25-29 and 75+ year age groups, there were more males than females resident in the NT.
Sex, By Selected Age Groups
: Northern Territory
- 30 June 2007