The 2004-05 to 2009-10 BLD CURF contains the files listed below which are available through the RADL.
- BLD10EP1.SAS7BDAT: the BLD Panel One file in SAS for Windows format.
- BLD10EP2.SAS7BDAT: the BLD Panel Two file in SAS for Windows format.
- FORMATS.SAS7BCAT: the format file that provides the labels for associated codes in the SAS version of the BLD CURF.
- BLD10EP1.SAV: the BLD Panel One file in SPSS format.
- BLD10EP2.SAV: the BLD Panel Two file in SPSS format.
- BLD10EP1.DTA: the BLD Panel One file in STATA format.
- BLD10EP2.DTA: the BLD Panel Two file in STATA format.
- 8168.0.55.002 Business Longitudinal Database, CURF: Data item list.xls (cat. no. 8168.0.55.002) contains documentation relating to content including data item names. The file is an Excel spreadsheet and is available from the ABS website.
- 8168.0.55.002 Technical Manual: Business Longitudinal Database, CURF, Australia, 2004-05 to 2009-10, (cat. no. 8168.0.55.002) and is available from the ABS website.
- BLDP1 Frequencies.TXT: for selected variables on the BLD CURF Panel One, the variable values (including formatted values) with the unweighted frequencies of each value. This file is in plain text format and is available on the ABS website.
- BLDP2 Frequencies.TXT: for selected variables on the BLD CURF Panel Two, the variable values (including formatted values) with the unweighted frequencies of each value. This file is in plain text format and is available on the ABS website.