7503.0 - Value of Agricultural Commodities Produced, Australia, 2010-11 Quality Declaration 
ARCHIVED ISSUE Released at 11:30 AM (CANBERRA TIME) 29/06/2012   
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Image: Livestock slaughterings and other disposals LIVESTOCK SLAUGHTERINGS AND OTHER DISPOSALS
  • In 2010-11, the value of total livestock slaughterings and other disposals increased by 8% to $13.8 billion.
  • The value of cattle and calves rose by 8% to $7.8 billion due to increases in prices.
  • The gross value of sheep and lamb slaughterings and other disposals rose by 9% to $2.9 billion.
  • The gross value of pig slaughterings and other disposals decreased by 5% to $919.1 million, which was driven by a fall in average prices in 2010-11.
  • The gross value of poultry slaughterings increased by 16% to $2.1 billion in 2010-11, driven by increased production combined with steady prices.

Graph Image for Livestock slaughterings and other disposals

Footnote(s): (a)Due to confidentiality restrictions data for South Australia (SA) (2007-2011), Western Australia (WA) (2007-2011) and Tasmania (Tas.) (2007-2011) are not available.

Source(s): Value of Agricultural Commodities Produced, Australia (cat. no. 7503.0)