In February 2011, wheat grain committed for domestic use or export increased to 7.7 million tonnes, an 8% increase from January 2011 and an increase of 56% from February 2010.
Of the total wheat grain committed, 6.3 million tonnes were contracted for export. In February 2011, all states reported increased export commitments from January 2011, except New South Wales which fell by 41 thousand tonnes (3%). Western Australia showed the largest increase with 513 thousand tonnes, up to 1.9 million tonnes.
Compared to January 2011, wheat grain committed for domestic use fell by 13% to 1.3 million tonnes in February 2011. This is 75 thousand tonnes less than the comparative total of 1.4 million tonnes from February 2010.
WHEAT GRAIN COMMITTED, at months end, 2010 -11