1318.3 - Qld Stats, Dec 2010 Quality Declaration 
ARCHIVED ISSUE Released at 11:30 AM (CANBERRA TIME) 22/12/2010   
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Contents >> Economy >> Recent Economic Statistics


Research and Experimental Development, Businesses, Australia, 2008-09

Research and Experimental Development, Businesses, Australia, 2008-09 (cat. no. 8104.0) was released on 23 September 2010.

This publication details expenditure and human resources devoted to research and experimental development (R&D) carried out by businesses in Australia, classified by industry, type of expenditure, source of funds, type of employee, enterprise employment size, research field, socioeconomic objective and location of expenditure. Most data are expressed in current prices but key aggregates are also expressed in volume terms.

Some data for Queensland:

  • In 2008-09, business expenditure in Queensland, on research and development totalled $2,323m, 13.8% of the Australian total, with the largest contribution coming from the mining industry ($643m) followed by professional, scientific & technical services with $510m
  • Corresponding figures for 2007-08 were $2,093m total, 14.0% of the Australian total, $569m from mining and $461m from professional, scientific & technical services
  • In 2008-09, expenditure on R&D by the construction industry was 40.2% of the Australian total for the industry, the highest proportion for Queensland industries. The figure for 2007-08 was 43.5% of the Australian total for the industry.

Research and Experimental Development, All Sector Summary, Australia, 2008-09

Research and Experimental Development, All Sector Summary, Australia, 2008-09 (cat. no. 8112.0) was released on 11 October 2010.

This publication presents summary statistics on the level and distribution of expenditure and human resources devoted to research and experimental development (R&D) carried out by organisations within the Business, Government, Higher Education and Private Non-profit sectors in Australia. Most data are expressed in current prices but key aggregates are also expressed in volume terms.

Some data for Queensland:
  • Gross expenditure on R&D totalled $3,887m in 2008-09, with $2,323m spent by business, $481m spent by government, $1,061m spent by higher education and $22m spent by private non-profit organisations
  • Corresponding figures for 2006-07 were $3,090m total, $1,719m business, $427m government, $912m higher education and $33m private non-profit organisations.

Vineyards Estimates, Australia, 2009-10

Vineyards Estimates, Australia, 2009-10 (cat. no. 1329.0.55.002) was released on 13 October 2010.

This publication provides final estimates from the vineyards survey. This includes information at national and state levels on areas of vines (including areas: bearing, not yet bearing and those removed or grafted) and production of grapes. It also includes summary data on major grape varieties.

Some data for Queensland:
  • In the 2010 season, 489 ha of red wine vines produced 869 tonnes of red wine grapes and 269 ha of white wine vines produced 582 tonnes of white wine grapes
  • The total area of all vines was 782 ha including non-bearing plantings or graftings
  • A total of 160 ha of vines had fruit left on the vine or dropped on the ground at maturity
  • The average yield per bearing hectare was 1.8 tonnes for red wine varieties and 2.2 tonnes for white wine varieties.

Information Paper: Changes to Managed Funds, Australia to incorporate revised international standards, 2010

Information Paper: Changes to Managed Funds, Australia to incorporate revised international standards, 2010 (cat. no. 5655.0.55.002) was released on 28 October 2010.

This publication describes the products changes (tables in the pdf file and spreadsheets) being introduced in the September quarter 2010 issue of 'Managed Funds, Australia' (cat. no. 5655.0) to be released on Friday 3 December 2010. These changes are the result of implementing revisions to statistical standards, in particular the System of National Accounts 2008 (SNA08) and the Standard Economic Sector Classifications of Australia 2008.

It provides mock-ups of the proposed publication (pdf file) and related spreadsheets that will be available from the ABS website.

Information Paper: Changes to the Survey of Motor Vehicle Use, 12 months ended 31 Oct 2010

Information Paper: Changes to the Survey of Motor Vehicle Use, 12 months ended 31 Oct 2010 (cat. no. 9208.0.55.006) was released on 2 November 2010.

This information paper describes changes to the Survey of Motor Vehicle Use from the October 2007 reference period onwards.

The survey will now be conducted biennially (every two years). In order to improve relevance to users, the time period covered by the survey will be changed from 12 months ending 31 October and will now cover the 12 month period ending 30 June, aligning the period to a financial year. The current survey (with outputs to be released in August 2011) will be the last collection using the existing 12 month time period ending 31 October. The next survey will adopt the new time frame and will commence in July 2011.

Information Paper: Changes to the Motor Vehicle Census date, 31 Mar 2010

Information Paper: Changes to the Motor Vehicle Census date, 31 Mar 2010 (cat. no. 9309.0.55.002) was released on 2 November 2010.

This information paper describes the changes to the date for the Motor Vehicle Census and consequent changes to the release date. Changes for the reference period and expected release dates of the Survey of Motor Vehicles are also noted.

Australian National Accounts: State Accounts, 2009-10

Australian National Accounts: State Accounts, 2009-10 (cat. no. 5220.0) was released on 19 November 2010.

This publication contains dissections of various national accounting aggregates by state and territory including gross state product using the expenditure, production and income measures, household income, household final consumption expenditure, government final consumption expenditure, private gross fixed capital formation, public gross fixed capital formation, international trade in exports and imports of goods and services, state final demand, industry gross value added, total factor income by industry, compensation of employees, gross operating surplus and gross mixed income by industry, agricultural income, and various measures of household income. Data are presented in current price and chain volume measures.

Some data for Queensland:
  • Gross state product for all industries at current prices for the year ended June 2010 totalled $244,160m, down from $250,573m for the previous year but more than double for the year ended June 2000 ($110,971m)
  • Household final consumption expenditure at current prices totalled $133,215m for the year ended June 2010, up from $168,769m for the previous year and more than double for the year ended June 2000 ($64,872m)
  • General government final consumption expenditure at current prices totalled $42,110m for the year ended June 2010, up from $39,480 for the year ended June 2009 and more than double for the year ended June 2000 ($19,229m).

Outcome of the 16th Series Australian Consumer Price Index Review, Dec 2010

Outcome of the 16th Series Australian Consumer Price Index Review, Dec 2010 (cat. no. 6469.0) was released on 6 December 2010.

The Consumer Price Index (CPI) is subject to periodic reviews. While an important objective of the reviews is to update item weights, formal reviews also provide an opportunity to reassess the scope and coverage of the index and other methodological issues.

This information paper presents the outcome of the 16th series review process and the direction of the CPI into the future. Issues addressed include: the principal purpose of the CPI; frequency of compilation, and evaluation of the measurement of the deposit and loan facilities index.

Tourism Region Maps and Correspondence File, Australia, 2010

Tourism Region Maps and Correspondence File, Australia, 2010 (cat. no. 9503.0.55.001) was released on 6 December 2010.

The ABS and other organisations publish tourism data by Tourism Regions. This product provides maps and a correspondence file for Tourism Regions for each state and the Northern Territory. Tourism Regions represent groups of Statistical Local Areas (SLAs). SLAs are a small spatial unit of the Australian Standard Geographical Classification (ASGC). The ASGC is updated each year. The correspondence file provides Tourism Region names and their corresponding SLA names and codes. Any changes to Tourism Regions in one year are applied to products issued from the March quarter reference period in the following year.

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