Between June 2008 and June 2009, the number of people classified as short-term unemployed (less than 13 weeks) decreased by 2.5% or 1,400 people in the Melbourne MSR and increased by 19.7% or 2,800 people in the Balance of Victoria MSR.
Over the same period, the number of people classified as medium-term unemployed (13 to less than 52 weeks) increased by 97.7% or 25,500 people in the Melbourne MSR and by 12.0% or 1,600 people in the Balance of Victoria MSR.
The number of people classified as long-term unemployed (52 weeks or more) increased by 89.8% or 8,800 people in the Melbourne MSR. For the Balance of Victoria MSR, the number of long-term unemployed increased by 114.3% or 4,800 people.
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Duration of Unemployment, By Sex and Major Statistical Region (file size 56kB)