Type of restriction | How the restriction affects statistics |
No Commodity Details | Under the most comprehensive restriction able to be applied, no data relating to a particular commodity are released. Instead, in statistics classified by commodity, the data are included in a dummy commodity code together with data for all other commodities that are similarly restricted. A dummy code of this nature is often referred to as a dump item. |
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Broad Commodity Details | Like the No Commodity Details restriction, the Broad Commodity Details restriction also prevents the release of commodity detail, but allows data to be released at the broad commodity level, without that level being impacted by the restriction. Under this restriction, data for a group of confidential commodities in the same area of the classification are combined and presented in a dump item within the relevant area of the classification. |
 | This restriction is currently only used in two cases: exports of metalliferous ores (Harmonised System chapter 26), from July 1990 onwards; and, imports of organic chemicals (Harmonised System chapter 29), from July 1991 onwards. Each of the related classifications has a comparable broad commodity dump item. |
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No Country Details | Under this restriction, no details of the country of origin (for imports) or the country of final destination (for exports) are made available for a particular commodity. All data relating to overseas ports are also suppressed. |
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Selected Country Details | This restriction suppresses details of trade in a commodity for specific countries. Instead of combining data for all countries (as the No Country Details restriction does) this restriction suppresses details for a group of countries, but presents full details for other countries. Where data relating to a country are suppressed, data relating to ports in that country are also suppressed. |
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No State Details | Under this restriction, export and import commodity statistics classified by Australian state are not made available. All data relating to Australian ports are also suppressed. |
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Selected State Details | This restriction suppresses commodity details that are confidential for one Australian state, by combining details for that state with details for one or more other states. Details for the remaining states are made available in the normal way. Where data relating to a state are suppressed, data relating to ports in that state are also suppressed. |
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No Quantity Details | Under this restriction the value of trade in the commodity is available, but quantity and gross weight are suppressed. |
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No Value Details | For commodities subject to this restriction, the quantity and gross weight of the commodity are available, but value is suppressed. |
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No Value for Country Details | This restriction suppresses value details by country for the particular commodity to which it applies. Where value data relating to a country are suppressed, value data relating to ports in that country are also suppressed. Quantity details by country are available, but value is allocated to the category No Country Details. |
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No Duty Details | This restriction is only relevant to import clearances and can only be used in conjunction with a country restriction. The No Duty Details restriction results in the suppression of all duty details (rate of duty, nature of tariff, treatment code, preference code and duty paid) on records where country has been suppressed. |