4150.0 - Time Use Survey: User Guide, 2006  
ARCHIVED ISSUE Released at 11:30 AM (CANBERRA TIME) 21/02/2008   
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Contents >> Survey Methodology >> DATA PROCESSING


A combination of clerical and computer-based systems were used to process data obtained in the survey. It was necessary to employ a variety of methods to process and edit the data which reflected the different questionnaires used to collect data from the interview and diary components of the surveys. These processes are outlined below.

Internal system edits were applied in the CAI questionnaire to ensure the completeness and consistency of the responses being provided. The interviewer could not proceed from one section of the interview to the next until responses had been appropriately completed.

A number of range and consistency edits were programmed into the CAI questionnaire. Edit messages automatically appeared on the screen if the information entered was either outside the permitted range for a particular question, or contradicted information already recorded. These edit queries were resolved on the spot with respondents.

Data from the CAI questionnaire were electronically loaded to the processing database on receipt in the ABS office in each State or Territory. Computer assisted coding was performed on responses to questions on country of birth, occupation and industry of employment to ensure completeness. Data on relationships between household members were used to delineate families within the household, and to classify households by type. An outline of the computer assisted coding that was performed is provided below.

Language spoken and country of birth coding

The interview questionnaire listed the most frequently reported languages and countries; interviewers were instructed to select the appropriate box, or, if the reported language or country was not among those listed, to record the name of the language or country for subsequent office coding. Languages were classified according to the Australian Standard Classification of Languages (ASCL), 2005-06 (Cat. no. 1267.0). Country of birth was classified according to the Standard Australian Classification of Countries (SACC), 1998 (Cat. no. 1269.0).

Occupation and industry coding

In the Time Use Survey, occupation relates to the main job held by employed respondents at the time of interview. Occupation was office coded based on a description of the kind of work performed, as reported by respondents and recorded by interviewers. Occupation was coded to the Australian and New Zealand Standard Classification of Occupations (ANZSCO), 2006 (Cat. no. 1220.0).

Industry of employment was coded to the Australian and New Zealand Standard Industrial Classification (ANZSIC), 2006 (Cat. no. 1292.0).

Family relationship coding

Based on information recorded on the household form, all usual residents of each sampled dwelling were grouped into family units and classified according to their position within the family. This information was then transferred to each individual questionnaire.

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