For Total selected industries, the aggregates of income, expenses and industry value added increased by 8.6%, 9.4% and 7.7% respectively between 2006-07 and 2007-08. Operating profit before tax (OPBT) increased by 6.4%, and earnings before interest, tax, depreciation and amortisation (EBITDA) increased by 7.5% over the same period.
All industries recorded increases in total income. The largest percentage increase (16.4%) was recorded by Administrative and support services.
All industries recorded increases in total expenses, except Information media and telecommunications which was relatively flat. The largest percentage increase (20.8%) occurred in Administrative and support services, and the largest absolute increase ($44.0b) was in Wholesale trade.
EBITDA increased by $26.1b from 2006-07. Mining was the largest contributor ($48.8b, or 15.7%) to the estimate of EBITDA for 2007-08 for Total selected industries.
OPBT for Total selected industries increased by $17.3b. Professional, scientific and technical services recorded the largest absolute increase in OPBT ($5.6b), followed by Mining ($4.6b). The largest contributor to OPBT in 2007-08 was Mining ($45.8b or 15.9%).
Employment increased for all industries except Public administration and safety (-0.8%). The largest contributor to employment was Retail trade (1.3m).
To assist in the interpretation of these results, information about collection methodology is contained in Technical Note 1.
The Glossary provides definitions for terms used.