3235.0 - Population by Age and Sex, Australia, 2006
ARCHIVED ISSUE Released at 11:30 AM (CANBERRA TIME) 24/07/2007 First Issue
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TOTAL POPULATION The estimated resident population of the Northern Territory (NT) at 30 June 2006 was 210,700, comprising 109,400 males and 101,300 females. This was an increase of 12,900 (6.5%) since June 2001. In June 2006 the NT's population was 1.0% of the Australian total. More than half of the people in the NT (123,500 or 58.6%) lived in the three major urban areas of Darwin (C), Alice Springs (T) and Palmerston (C). A further 8.6% (18,000) lived in the smaller urban areas of Katherine (T), Nhulunbuy, Tennant Creek (T) and Jabiru (T). In June 2006, just over one third (34.1%) of the NT's population resided in Darwin City SSD, followed by Central NT (18.8%) which includes Alice Springs (T). From June 1996 to June 2006 Palmerston-East Arm SSD had the largest and fastest growth in the NT with an increase of 94.0% (12,500 people). Barkly was the only SSD to experience a decline in population (5.6%) over the same period. For Local Government Areas (LGAs) this summary excludes those with a population of less than 1,000 at 30 June 2006. AGE DISTRIBUTION As with all other states and territories in Australia the proportions of NT residents in younger age groups declined between June 2001 and June 2006 and the proportions of older residents increased. However, compared with Australia, the age profile of the NT is considerably younger. NT has higher proportions of males and females in all five-year age groups to 35-39 years and lower proportions aged 55 years and older. AGE AND SEX DISTRIBUTION, Northern Territory and Australia, 30 June 2006 MEDIAN AGE The median age, the age at which half the population is older and half is younger, increased in the NT from 29.6 years at June 2001 to 30.9 years at June 2006. In June 2006 the male median age in the NT was 31.3 years and the female median age was slightly lower at 30.6 years. The NT continues to have the lowest median age of all states and territories with the median age of the total Australian population being 36.6 years and the NT is the only state or territory in which the female median age is lower than the male median age. The SSDs with the highest median ages in the NT were Finniss (42.8 years) and Litchfield Shire (36.5 years). The SSDs with the lowest median ages were Daly (22.2 years) and Bathurst-Melville (25.9 years). Coomalie (CGC) had the highest median age of the LGAs in the NT (41.3 years) and the lowest median age was in Thamarrurr (CGC) (20.1 years). CHILDREN (UNDER 15 YEARS OF AGE) At June 2006, there were 51,500 children in the NT, with boys outnumbering girls by 1,600. This age group comprised 24.5% of the NT population and was the highest proportion of children in any state or territory. Nationally 19.6% of the population was in this age group. In the NT, the total number of children increased marginally in the 5 years to June 2006 but their proportion declined slightly. The SSD with the highest proportion of children was Daly (36.3%), while Darwin City SSD had the smallest proportion (19.6%). The highest proportion of children in Darwin City SSD were located in the SLA of City - Remainder (29.6%) which includes both the RAAF Base and Defence Establishment Berrimah. In June 2006, the LGAs with the largest proportions of children were Thamarrurr (CGC) (39.4%) and Yugul Mangi (CGC) (36.8%). With 19.6% of its population aged under 15 years, Darwin (C) had the smallest percentage of children followed by Litchfield (S) (22.2%), which includes the Australian Army's Robertson Barracks. WORKING AGE POPULATION (AGED 15-64 YEARS) In June 2006, the proportion of people aged 15-64 in the NT was 70.9% (77,700 males and 71,700 females), up slightly from 70.4% in June 2001. The proportion of this age group for Australia was 67.5%. In the NT the total number of people in this age group increased from 139,200 in 2001 to 149,400 in 2006. The SSD with the highest proportion of people in this age group was Darwin City (74.5%) and the lowest was Daly (60.1%). All SSDs in the NT experienced an increase in the number of people in this age group from June 2001 to June 2006, with East Arnhem having the greatest percentage increase of 18.3% (1,700 people). The remaining SSDs had increases ranging from 3.1% in Central NT to 16.7% in Palmerston-East Arm. The LGAs with the highest proportions of their population aged 15-64 years were Jabiru (T) (75.1%) and Darwin (C) (74.5%). LGAs with the lowest proportions were Thamarrurr (CGC) (57.9%) and Yugul Mangi (CGC) (61.1%). OLDER PEOPLE (AGED 65 YEARS AND OVER ) In contrast to the preceding age groups, at June 2006 the NT had the lowest proportion of people aged 65 years and over of all the states and territories at 4.6% of the total NT population, up from 3.7% in June 2001. The national proportion was 13.0%. In the NT, the total number of people in this age group rose from 7,400 in June 2001 to 9,800 in June 2006. In June 2006, the SSD with the highest proportion of people aged 65 years and over was Finniss (8.8%) and the lowest were in Alligator and East Arnhem (both 1.9%). All NT SSDs, apart from Bathurst-Melville, experienced an increase in the number of people aged 65 years and over from June 2001 to June 2006. The LGAs with the highest proportions of their populations in this age group were Coomalie (CGC) (8.9%) and Darwin (C) (5.9%). The LGAs with the lowest proportions were Jabiru (T) (1.4%) and Kunbarllanjnja (CGC) (1.7%). SEX RATIO The sex ratio is the number of males per 100 females. A sex ratio less than 100 indicates that there are fewer males than females. At June 2006, males outnumbered females in the NT by 8,100. The NT's sex ratio was 108.0 compared with 98.8 for Australia. The NT had the highest sex ratio of all the states and territories, followed by Western Australia with 102.0 males per 100 females. In the NT there were more males than females across all five-year age groups to 65 years and over, with the highest sex ratio (129.0) being for the age group 60-64 years. MALES PER 100 FEMALES, BY AGE, Northern Territory and Australia, 30 June 2006 Central NT was the only SSD in the NT at June 2006 to have more females than males (98.3 males per 100 females).The SSDs with the highest ratio of males per 100 females were Litchfield Shire (126.8) and Finniss (116.1). Within the 0-14 age group, Alligator SSD (110.9) and Litchfield Shire SSD (109.5) had the highest sex ratios, while Central NT SSD (101.9) and Lower Top End NT (102.3) recorded the lowest ratios. For people in the 15 to 64 'working age' group, the highest ratio of males to females was in the SSD of Litchfield Shire (130.0) while the lowest occurred in Daly (95.6). The LGAs with the highest ratio of males to females in the 15 to 64 age group were Jabiru (T) (139.6) and Litchfield (S) (130.0). The lowest ratios occurred in Anmatjere (CGC) (85.2) and Thamarrurr (CGC) (86.6). Document Selection These documents will be presented in a new window.