3218.0 - Regional Population Growth, Australia, 2011 Quality Declaration 
ARCHIVED ISSUE Released at 11:30 AM (CANBERRA TIME) 31/07/2012   
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Territory summary

Population change

Centre of population


In the ten years to June 2011, the estimated resident population of the Australian Capital Territory (ACT) increased by 48,400 people to reach 367,800. The ACT grew by 15% over this period, equal to Australia as a whole.

Almost all of the population growth in the ACT between 2001 and 2011 occurred in the north. The combined population of the northern SA3s increased by 46,000 to reach 194,300 people by June 2011. The southern SA3s only grew by 2,400 to reach 173,400.

Gungahlin had the largest growth of all SA3s in the ten years to 2011, more than doubling from 24,400 to 49,700 people. This was followed by North Canberra (up 11,600 people) and Belconnen (9,100). In contrast, the population of Tuggeranong in the south decreased by 1,700 people over the same ten year period.

SA2 POPULATION CHANGE, Australian Capital Territory - 2001-11
Diagram: SA2 POPULATION CHANGE, Australian Capital Territory—2001–11


Growth in the ACT

Between June 2001 and June 2011, much of the Territory's population growth occurred in the newly established suburbs in the north. The largest population increases were in the SA2s of Gungahlin (up 5,800 people) and Harrison (4,500). Franklin (4,400) and Forde (2,700) also had large growth.

Of the established SA2s, significant increases were recorded in Dunlop (up 4,500 people), Bruce (3,900) and Civic (2,600). Civic also had the fastest growth, increasing at an average annual rate of 20% over the ten years to 2011.

SA2s WITH LARGEST POPULATION GROWTH, Australian Capital Territory

ERP at 30 June
Population Change

5 800
5 800
. .
4 500
4 500
. .
2 700
7 200
4 500
4 400
4 400
. .
2 800
6 700
3 900

. . not applicable
- nil or rounded to zero (including null cells)

Growth in the surrounding region

A number of New South Wales SA2s surrounding the ACT had rapid growth in the ten years to June 2011. Many people from these areas commute to work in Canberra. Queanbeyan Region grew by 40% over the ten year period, while Queanbeyan West - Jerrabomberra grew by 38%, and Queanbeyan - East by 26%. Yass (22%) and the surrounding Yass Region (29%) also had fast growth.

Population decline in the ACT

While more than half of all SA2s in the ACT grew between June 2001 and June 2011, population decreases were recorded in a number of SA2s. The largest population declines were in Kambah (down 1,100 people) and Wanniassa (down 690), both in the south, followed by Kaleen (down 680) and Evatt (down 570), both in the north.


The centre of population in the ACT at June 2011 was located near the Royal Canberra Golf Course, in the suburb of Yarralumla. In the ten years to 2011, the centre of population moved 1.4 kilometres north. This reflects population growth in the northern suburbs of Canberra, especially within the Gungahlin SA3.