Between March quarter 2009 and June quarter 2009, the All groups CPI for Melbourne increased by 0.3%. The groups which recorded the largest increases were Transportation (2.1%), Health (1.8%) and Household contents and services (1.7%). The groups which recorded decreases were Financial and insurance services (-1.7%), Food (-0.8%) and Recreation (-0.6%).
Between June quarter 2008 and June quarter 2009, the All groups CPI for Melbourne rose by 1.2%. The CPI All groups weighted average for the eight capital cities rose by 1.5% over the same period. The biggest annual increases for Melbourne were recorded in Food (5.2%), Health (4.8%), and Housing and Education (both 4.7%). The groups which recorded a decrease for the year were Transportation (-6.0%) and Financial and insurance services (-7.1%).
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Consumer Price Index, By Group, Melbourne and Weighted Average of Eight Capital Cities (file size 23kB)