According to the Bureau of Meteorology's Seasonal Climate Summary for South Australia, Summer 2009-10 delivered temperatures well above average with variable rainfall across districts.
Summer rainfall totals across most of South Australia were generally near average, with the exception of the north east which had above average rainfall totals. Pastoral districts produced above average rainfall in December and particularly through February which resulted in a wetter than average summer season.
Agricultural districts further south remained near average, while the northern Eyre Peninsula and the Mount Lofty and Southern Flinders ranges had below average summer rainfall as a whole.
Rainfall totals in the pastoral areas were extremely variable ranging from 20mm to 100mm, with higher localised totals at some locations of over 150mm. Moomba Airport recorded South Australia's highest summer rainfall of 270.4mm, most of this occurring during February. This season represented Moomba's third wettest summer since records began in 1972.
3-monthly rainfall anomalies for South Australia, Australian Bureau of Meteorology
The total water storage in Adelaide's reservoirs at the end of February 2010 was 64% of capacity; slightly higher than the level available in February 2009 (62%) and higher again than February 2008 (60%).
TOTAL RESERVOIR STORAGE, As a percentage of capacity
- Adelaide
SA Water daily reservoir levels