The trend estimate of average weekly (ordinary time) earnings for full-time adult persons in South Australia increased by 4.4% to $1,047.40 in the 12 months to February 2008. Nationally, the corresponding increase was slightly more at 4.5% (up to $1,123.30).
In the 12 months to February 2008, male average weekly earnings increased by 5.8% while female earnings increased by 2.1%. At February 2008, male average weekly earnings ($1,104.00) in South Australia were 17.7% higher than the corresponding female earnings ($938.00). Nationally, in February 2008 male average weekly earnings ($1,190.40) were 18.6% higher than the female earnings ($1003.60).
Full-time adult ordinary time earnings, Trend, South Australia

For information on the wage price index, please refer to the '
Price Indexes' topic.