For those that I have not had the pleasure of meeting, I have been acting ACT Regional Director here in the ACT Office since April this year.
I am pleased to announce that we have settled into our new location at ABS House in Belconnen. If you would like to come say hi and visit our new office, our new address is 45 Benjamin Way, Belconnen. Alternatively our postal address is Locked Bag 10, Belconnen, 2617 if you want to drop us a line the old fashioned way. It is with fond memories that we say goodbye to Canberra City, which has been the home of the ACT Office since 1994. I'd like to emphasise that our move away from the ACT Government hub and great coffee(!) will not effect the quality and range of services that we provide to the ACT Government, business and the community.
2009 was a busy and challenging year for the ACT Office and I think it is timely to reflect back on some of the achievements of the past year and to look ahead at what's coming up next year.
Despite reduced staffing and budget uncertainty, the ACT Office accomplished a number of milestones including;
- progressing the IDP in conjunction with the ACT Government
- meeting with all ACT Governments to discuss statistical priorities
- commencing Census engagement with ACT Government, Indigenous Elected Bodies and selected NSW LGAs
- a new and improved In fACT publication featuring articles of local interest.
In 2010, I look forward to progressing the implementation of the IDP further and ramping up the Census campaign in preparation for the 2011 Census. I also look forward to assisting with improving the ACT statistical priorities and achieving high quality statistics for the ACT and Region.
Finally, I would like to wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. I look forward to working with you in 2010!
We would welcome any feedback about this electronic ABStract. Please email us at with any suggestions including contributions for future issues.
Beidar Cho
Acting ACT Regional Director