The first release of the ABS Gender Topics Page occurred on 8 October 2010. The Gender Topics Page provides a central access point to link to existing sources and products, with gender-related and sex-disaggregated content, on the ABS website, and responds to call for better navigation to these sources.
This work is being undertaken by ABS under the Australian Gender Indicators Project, with funding support from Office for Women under the Department of Families, Housing, Community Service and Indigenous affairs (FaHCSIA) via the Commonwealth, State, Territory and New Zealand Ministers' Conference on the Status of Women (MINCO).
The second focus of this project is to develop a new product to present gender indicators. Gender indicators, through providing sex-disaggregated data, will better support analysis and monitor the differences in outcomes between women and men nationally.
The third development is to establish a Gender Statistics Advisory Group to provide the ABS with advice on priority issues in gender statistics.
For more information, and to stay up to date with these developments, please refer to the Noticeboard on the Gender Topics Page.
The new Disability and Carers Topics Page was launched on the 28 September. The focus of the new design is to make publications and information papers easier to locate.
The subject matter is now grouped into 7 pages:
- Disability-related surveys: Includes surveys and related information covering disability, ageing and carers.
- Disabling conditions: Analytical papers that explore the relationship between particular chronic conditions and disability.
- Carers: Analytical articles examining the personal, social and economic impact of the caring role on people at different stages in their life-cycle.
- Population groups: Focuses on disability information for a number of population groups including Children, Families, Indigenous Australians and Aged persons.
- Social indicators: Analysis includes community participation, socioeconomic disadvantage, and trends in disability income support.
- Research papers and articles: Disability variables, small area estimation and concepts in measuring disability.
- Other links: Topics @ a Glance pages, Australian and International links.
Under "What's new", links to new publications related to Disability and Carers will be displayed. Currently, there are links to ABS Sources of Disability Information and the Update on the Survey of Disability, Ageing and Carers 2009 to be released next year.
Watch the Disability and Carers topics pages for new publication releases in January and February, 2011!