Traveller characteristics from final NOM
An individual's actual true travel behaviour and associated characteristics are only available from final NOM data, as these can only be accurately recorded at the end of the 16 month reference period following a traveller's initial border crossing. However, a traveller may make a number of border crossings (movements) during the initial reference quarter (i.e. the quarter at the beginning of the 16 month period used to calculate NOM) and may have different characteristics linked to each crossing.
Characteristics of travellers are collected for each movement across Australia's border from a combination of passport, visa and passenger card information. Some of these characteristics are prone to variation with each movement due to the fact that the information on passenger cards are self reported.
Although traveller characteristics are recorded in the Overseas Arrivals and Departures (OAD) collection for each and every movement, the characteristics assigned to an individual traveller in the NOM system are based on the rules applied by the current methodology (12/16 month rule) for calculating NOM. To calculate NOM, this method uses the most appropriate 'initial category of travel' (see Glossary) and therefore must be assigned to one and only one movement for the reference quarter. It is from this one specific movement during a quarter that all characteristics for an individual traveller are compiled and recorded in the NOM data collection.