Note 02/06/2009:This publication (first published on 7 November 2008) has been reissued to correct two tables:
Table 12: 'Families with children aged under 15 years, employment status of parent by type of child care'; and
Table 30: 'Retired Persons, Lump sum payments and superannuation income - by selected characteristics'.
In table 12, the previously published counts were for adults in the various family types, rather than for the number of such families. The correction to table 12 has also been reflected in the text of the 'Family child care arrangements' section on page 12 of the summary of findings. The relevant State and Territory estimates, in table 23 of 6361.0.55.003, have also been corrected. The tabulation error does not affect other products such as the Confidentialised Unit Record File (CURF).
In table 30, the estimates of 'Gross weekly personal income from superannuation or annuities' classified as 'Nil income' incorrectly included the 'income not known' category, and a very small number of nil income records were classified to the range $1-199'. Only Table 30 is affected. The tabulation error does not affect other products such as the CURF or State and Territory tables.