Designed to classify post-school educational qualifications, by level of attainment and field study. It was developed specifically to classify data on qualifications collected in the 1991 Census of Population and Housing and is used in other ABS collections. This publication comprises an explanation of the conceptual basis of the classification, definitions of the level of attainment categories and of the broad, narrow and detailed field of study categories, and a set of conversion tables which define the relationship between ABSCQ and other relevant classifications. Its primary purpose is to aid the interpretation of ABS statistics on qualifications. Users wishing to code their own qualifications data to the classification should refer to 1265.0, which includes the coding indexes used to code qualifications data in the Census.
Also available is the structure and definitions of the ABSCQ (1262.0.15.001) on floppy disk. This disk contains the structure of the ABSCQ and the classification definitions for level of attainment, and broad, narrow and detailed field of study categories. It does not contain the conceptual basis or appendices that are included in 1262.0.
Links between ABSCQ and other educational classifications (1262.0.15.002) is also available on floppy disk. This disk contains the three concordances:
ABSCQ to the International Standard Classification of Education;
ABSCQ to the Field of Study Classification of Tertiary Education Courses;
ABSCQ to the 1986 Census Classification of Qualifications.
Note: see also 1263.0