The Northern Territory recorded the largest proportional increase in sentenced prisoners between 30 June 2010 and 30 June 2011 (12% or 107 prisoners). South Australia recorded the second highest proportional increase in sentenced prisoners (10% or 130 prisoners). Decreases in the number of sentenced prisoners were recorded in New South Wales (12%), the Australian Capital Territory (11%), Western Australia (4%), and Queensland (2%). (Table 3.10)
Aggregate sentence length
Excluding prisoners with indeterminate, life with a minimum and periodic detention sentences, the median aggregate sentence length was highest in South Australia (4.8 years or 58 months), followed by New South Wales (3.8 years or 46 months). The lowest median aggregate sentence length was in the Northern Territory (1.4 years or 17 months). (Table 3.9)
Expected time to serve
Expected time to serve takes into account the earliest date of release for sentenced prisoners. Excluding prisoners with indeterminate and periodic detention sentences, the median expected time to serve for sentenced prisoners at 30 June 2011 was highest in South Australia (2.9 years or 35 months), followed by New South Wales (2.3 years or 28 months). The lowest median expected time to serve was in the Northern Territory (12 months). (Table 3.9)
Sentenced prisoners, median sentence length(a), by state and territory