Individual income has been defined as the gross income (including pensions and allowances) that the person usually receives each week.
In 2006, 19% of business operators indicated their weekly individual income was below $400, 19% earned between $400 and $599, 15% earned $600-$799 per week, 12% earned $800-$999 and another 12% earned $1000-$1299 per week.
Female business operators were more likely to earn less than $400 per week (29% compared with 14% of males). Conversely, male business operators were more likely to earn more than $2000 per week (12% compared to 6% of females).
In general, the non-business operator population was distributed in a similar way to the business operator population, although there was a greater proportion of business operators who were earning $2000 or more per week (10%, compared to 5% of non-business operators).