Corporate Services provides leadership and support to assist the ABS in achieving its strategic directions. It does this through partnering with business areas in the ABS by:
- providing timely, relevant, high quality and best practice corporate services with a customer and business focus to meet the changing needs of internal and external clients
- engaging and influencing stakeholders to ensure the ABS’s interests are considered and accommodated, including in whole of government initiatives
- positioning the ABS to meet its current and future workforce needs
- provision of high quality corporate infrastructure, and timely and comprehensive management information
- leading the ABS in the areas of culture, legislation, legal compliance, leadership capability development, promoting and protecting the ABS brand and reputation, and financial and people management.
Outputs for corporate services fall into the following categories: services that are delivered to ABS employees; policy advice; framework development; internal consultancy; and external communications. These are provided through three organisational groups: Financial Management Branch, Human Resources Branch and the Office of the Statistician and External Engagement. Each branch operates on a national basis and provides services to all ABS offices. A number of national business lines are delivered from locations other than, or in conjunction with central office.
The main outputs of the corporate services program are:
- a full range of integrated and coordinated services to support the Human Resources life cycle, from recruitment through to retirement
- leadership, support and guidance (including building capability) to ensure the ABS is maximising individual employees’ potential
- a full range of services to support the physical working environment, including implementing changes associated with the strategic use of property and space management
- leadership and consultancy on workforce and business planning, budgeting, business continuity, financial reporting, legislation, legal compliance, policies and risk management
- maintenance and development of corporate support systems and services
- a high quality communication service for the ABS and the Australian Statistician.
The main medium-term developments in the program are to:
- optimise, upgrade and integrate Financial Systems and associated management information - development of an ABS Financial Management System will commence in 2013-14
- provide leadership and support to deliver ABS Future Organisational Sustainability successfully, including the transition of work program across all ABS - ongoing
- implement changed employment arrangements resulting from the new Enterprise Agreements for ABS employees and prepare for the next Enterprise Agreement - ongoing
- embed the new national corporate services delivery model and continue to enhance client service capability and culture - ongoing
- implement the key ‘ABS people plan’ strategies (including those related to workforce planning, people and performance management, learning and development, leadership and general capability enhancement and cultural renewal) - ongoing
- implement the new ABS People Capability Framework to enhance our People and Workforce Planning - ongoing
- provide leadership in identifying innovative ways to deliver more efficient and effective procurement and travel services - ongoing
- support the business outputs of the ABS by ensuring the ongoing development and maintenance of statistical capability, leadership and business skills in the workforce - ongoing
- update policy and legislation, and provide advice and education to ensure ABS understanding and compliance with legislation - ongoing
- measure and manage media attribution of ABS business - ongoing.
Chris Libreri, Assistant Statistician, Human Resources Branch
Debra Foggin, Chief Financial Officer, Financial Management Branch
Lewis Conn, Assistant Statistician, Office of the Statistician and External Engagement