Increases in sales and service income between 2004-05 and 2005-06 have generally been accompanied by greater percentage increases in IVA. IVA for Selected mining in Western Australia increased by $8.3b (or 44%) to $27.3b, and in Queensland by $6.8b (or 78%) to $15.5b. After declining each year since 2001-02, IVA in Victoria and the Northern Territory increased in 2005-06, by 13% ($376m) and 34% ($437m) respectively. Despite a minimal increase in sales and service income, Tasmania recorded a 26% increase in IVA.
A $23.5b (71%) increase nationally in Selected mining IVA over the period from 2001-02 to 2005-06 is principally due to substantial increases in Western Australia ($12.0b) and Queensland ($9.6b).
In 2005-06, Western Australia's $27.3b of industry value added represented 48% of the Australian total for Selected mining. Queensland with 27% (up from 23% in 2004-05) was the next largest contributor, followed by New South Wales (11%) and Victoria (6%) in 2005-06. The relative shares of the Australian total for Selected mining for the states have remained relatively stable from 2004-05, with the exception of Queensland, which increased its share from 23% up to 27%, and Victoria down from 8% to 6%.