The Selected mining industry increased employment between 2004-05 and 2005-06 in most states and territories, gaining 13% nationally. Employment increased most strongly in Western Australia (4,100 persons, or 17%), followed by Queensland (1,900 persons, or 10%). Employment rose significantly in percentage terms in South Australia (by 22%) and in Victoria (21%).
Over the period from 2001-02 to 2005-06, the biggest increase in employment in Selected mining occurred in Queensland (8,100 persons, or 58%), followed by Western Australia (7,900 persons, or 38%) and New South Wales (2,900 persons, or 22%).
In 2005-06, 37% of employment in the Selected mining industry was recorded against Western Australia, followed by Queensland with 28%; New South Wales contributed 20% of the total. This pattern differs from the shares of sales and service income and IVA among the major states as outlined above, largely reflecting differing labour intensities in the types of mining predominant in each state and territory.