Hours worked information has been defined as the number of hours usually worked in a week.
Most business operators (72%) reported that they usually worked full-time hours compared with 28% who reported working part-time hours. In addition, 64% of business operators reported that they usually worked 40 hours per week or more. 36% of business operators usually worked 49 hours per week or more.
There was a significant difference between the sexes in regard to hours usually worked: 83% of male business operators reported that they usually worked full-time hours compared with 46% of females.
In relation to full-time and part-time hours usually worked, business operators and non-business operators were generally distributed evenly. However, there were significant differences in relation to those persons who reported working between 36 and 44 hours per week (23% of business operators compared to 47% of non-business operators). There was also a difference in relation to those persons who reported working 49 hours per week or more (36% of business operators compared to 12% of non-business operators).