Readers should exercise caution when using mineral commodity data, as:
- definitional requirements vary, as does the range of commodities upon which royalties are payable: the different jurisdictions do not necessarily apply common definitions and standards when compiling the statistics;
- significant variations exist between jurisdictions in the way in which value of production is attributed, particularly for metallic minerals. ABS estimates based on applying a market price to the metallic content (recoverable metal) have been used where possible to obtain a valuation as close as possible to the concept of production.
- the level of information available for construction materials and other non-metallic minerals varies considerably. Production and value of construction materials may be understated in several states, because royalties are not always collected and/or the activity occurs on private land.
Footnotes have been provided in the spreadsheets to clarify definitions, and highlight those areas where treatment or data availability vary across jurisdictions. Any offshore production is attributed to the state or territory which controls that particular offshore area or administers it on behalf of the Australian Government. Data relating to the Joint Petroleum Development Area, in the Timor Sea, is included with that of the Northern Territory.
No data are recorded in this chapter for the Australian Capital Territory.
For further information, see Explanatory Notes paragraphs 40-43. Paragraph 43 also includes website and publication details of the sources.