This document was added or updated on 26/05/2020.
Linked Employer-Employee Dataset (LEED)
The LEED enables simultaneous analysis of met supply and demand in the Australian labour market
The LEED provides supplementary labour statistics and facilitates labour market research at industry and regional levels. The LEED can help us study Australian labour markets at macro and micro levels; examine how specific events (such as a natural disaster) impact employees and employers; and understand structural changes in the labour market.
The LEED associates information about a person with information about their employing business. This is done by establishing the existence of a job. An employed person can have one or more jobs throughout the year with one or more employers, some of which may be held concurrently with others. A job can be created either by an employing business or the personal enterprise of the individual (an owner manager).
The LEED - A brief overview
Time periods
2011-12 to 2016-17
Data sources
Personal Income Tax (PIT) data and Business Longitudinal Analytical Data Environment (BLADE)
Key published statistics:
- Employed persons and their jobs (employees and owner managers of unincorporated enterprises)
- Multiple job holders
- Income at job and person levels
- Regional spotlights of jobs and employed persons
- Summary publication: Jobs in Australia (cat. no. 6160.0)
- Summary publication: Personal Income in Australia (cat. no. 6624.0.55.02)
- Microdata (TableBuilder): Jobs in Australia (cat. no. 6160.0.00.001)
- Labour Account input data
The LEED is comprised of a person file, a job file and an employer file

What's in the LEED data?
Over 100 million job records covering
Cross-sectional information relating to employees and owner managers of unincorporated enterprises
• age
• sex
• region of residence (at State and Territory, Local Government Area, Statistical Area 4, 3, and 2 levels)
• detailed occupation and skill levels of persons
• detailed industry of jobs
• total jobs, employee jobs and owner manager of unincorporated enterprise jobs
• concurrent and non-concurrent jobs
• job duration
• employee and employment income
• other types of income
Information relating to employers
• employment size
• detailed industry of business activity
• type of legal organisation (TOLO)
• institutional sector (SISCA)