5489.0 - International Merchandise Trade, Australia: Concepts, Sources and Methods, 2015  
ARCHIVED ISSUE Released at 11:30 AM (CANBERRA TIME) 11/11/2015   
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11.60 Interpretability refers to the availability of information to help provide insight into the data. Interpretability is an important component of quality as it enables the information to be understood and utilised appropriately. Statistical information that users cannot understand, or can easily misunderstand, has limited value and may have negative value. Providing sufficient information to allow users to properly interpret statistical information is therefore essential. Information that describes and defines data is known as metadata. Managing interpretability is primarily concerned with the provision of metadata.

11.61 The information needed to understand statistical data falls under three broad headings:

  • the concepts, definitions and classifications that underlie the data
  • the sources and methods used to collect and compile the data
  • indicators of accuracy of the data.

11.62 There are close relationships between these three headings and the other dimensions of quality. The underlying concepts and classifications used are also a prime determinant of coherence and the degree to which they conform with national and international standards should be apparent from the metadata. The description of methods also serves as a surrogate indicator of accuracy – it allows users to assess suitability for purpose.

11.63 This publication defines and discusses the major concepts, definitions and classifications that underlie international merchandise trade statistics. It also describes the methods used to transform input data into statistical outputs and discusses the accuracy of the estimates. Statistical users can draw valid comparisons with merchandise trade data produced by other countries, by taking into account any differences, e.g. different thresholds or time of recording.

11.64 Supplementing this publication are an assortment of information papers and feature articles which draw attention to issues impacting on the data such as changes to the classifications, systems, concepts or standards, major data revisions and changes in data dissemination practices. Feature articles and technical notes are written on a regular basis to inform users of emerging issues and method changes and their impact on the statistics. Information papers report on various aspects of research undertaken on topics relevant to Australia's international merchandise trade statistics. Many of these information papers and feature articles are contained in the Foreign Trade theme page of the ABS website. Select Topics @ a Glance - Economy - Foreign Trade - Foreign Trade Releases.