4519.0 - Recorded Crime - Offenders, 2014-15 Quality Declaration 
ARCHIVED ISSUE Released at 11:30 AM (CANBERRA TIME) 24/02/2016   
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In 2014-15, there were 100,294 offenders in Queensland, which represented 24% of all offenders in Australia.

Of all states and territories, Queensland had the largest increase in both offenders and offender rate between 2013-14 and 2014-15:
  • There was an increase of 6% or 5,256 offenders; and
  • The (crude) offender rate increased by 4% from 2,344 to 2,439 offenders per 100,000 persons aged 10 years and over.


Between 2013-14 and 2014-15, the number of male and female offenders both increased:
  • Male offenders increased by 5% (or 3,450 offenders) to 76,266; and
  • Female offenders increased by 8% (or 1,799 offenders) to 24,024.


In 2014-15:
  • The Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander age standardised offender rate was 9,497 offenders per 100,000 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander persons aged 10 years and over; and
  • The non-Indigenous age standardised offender rate was 1,905 offenders per 100,000 non-Indigenous persons aged 10 years and over.


In 2014-15, the three most common principal offences in Queensland were:
  • Illicit drug offences (27,015 offenders, or 27%);
  • Public order offences (19,298 offenders, or 19%); and
  • Theft (13,216 offenders, or 13%).

Illicit drug offences increased for the fourth consecutive year (up 3,794 offenders or 16% since 2013-14), contributing to an overall increase in this offence of 11,181 offenders or 71% since 2010-11. Nearly two-thirds (65%) of all Illicit drug offences in Queensland were classified under Possess and/or use of illicit drugs, which was in line with the national profile of Illicit drug offences.

Graph Image for OFFENDERS, Selected principal offences, Qld, 2008-09 to 2014-15

Source(s): Recorded Crime - Offenders


In 2014-15:
  • Youth offenders made up 22% (or 22,139 offenders) of the total offender population in Queensland.
  • The most common principal offence for youth offenders was Illicit drug offences (5,681 offenders, or 26%), followed by Theft (3,952 offenders, or 18%).

  • In 2014-15, 31% of offenders were proceeded against on two or more separate occasions within the year.
  • This was the second highest proportion of repeat offenders of any state and territory, following the Northern Territory.


In 2014-15, the total number of police proceedings increased by 7% (or 11,587 proceedings) from 2013-14.
  • Court actions increased by 6% (or 8,417 proceedings). Illicit drug offences was the most common offence proceeded against by court actions, accounting for 24% of all court actions (or 33,437 proceedings).
  • Non-court actions increased by 11% (or 3,163 proceedings). Public order offences was the most common offence proceeded against by non-court actions, accounting for 37% of all non-court actions (or 11,777 proceedings).

For further information, refer to the other chapters of this publication, or contact the National Information Referral Service on 1300 135 070. When reporting ABS statistics, please attribute the Australian Bureau of Statistics (or ABS) as the source.