This collection provides statistics relating to the number and characteristics of alleged offenders (hereafter referred to as "offenders") who have been proceeded against by police during the 12 month reference period. This includes their age, sex, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander status, principal offence, and how often they have been proceeded against by police within the reference period, as well as a count of proceedings comprising court and non-court actions.
The Offenders, Australia chapter presents national data about offenders proceeded against by police, including comparisons over time.
The Offenders, states and territories chapter presents comparisons between states and territories including data relating to the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander status of offenders. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander status data are presented for New South Wales, Queensland, South Australia and the Northern Territory only (refer to paragraphs 34-39 of the Explanatory Notes).
The Police proceedings, selected states and territories chapter presents data on the number of separate occasions where an offender has had legal action initiated against them during the reference period. Police proceedings data are presented for all states and territories except Western Australia (refer to paragraph 63 of the Explanatory Notes).