4517.0 - Prisoners in Australia, 2014 Quality Declaration 
ARCHIVED ISSUE Released at 11:30 AM (CANBERRA TIME) 11/12/2014   
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At 30 June 2014:

    • There were 25,513 sentenced prisoners in Australian prisons, an increase of 9% (2,178 prisoners) from 30 June 2013 (23,335 sentenced prisoners). This was the highest number of sentenced prisoners since 2004. (Table 2)

    • Over nine in ten sentenced prisoners were male (93% or 23,644 prisoners). (Table 7)

    • Both the number of male and female sentenced prisoners increased by 9% since 30 June 2013, reaching a ten year high at 30 June 2014 (23,644 male sentenced prisoners and 1,869 female sentenced prisoners). (Table 9)

    • The median aggregate sentence length for sentenced prisoners was three years. This varied from:

        – 1 year for sentenced prisoners with a most serious offence of traffic and vehicle regulatory offences and offences against justice procedures, government security and operations, to;

        – 16 years for sentenced prisoners with a most serious offence of homicide. (Table 10)

    • The median expected time to serve for sentenced prisoners in Australian prisons was 1.8 years. This varied from:

        – 6 months for sentenced prisoners with a most serious offence of traffic and vehicle regulatory offences, to;

        – 13.9 years for sentenced prisoners with a most serious offence of homicide. (Table 11)

    • Half of all sentenced prisoners had been sentenced in the previous 12 months (49% or 12,631 prisoners). (Table 8)

    • Three in five sentenced prisoners had been imprisoned previously (60% or 15,363 prisoners). (Table 8)

    • The most common offences for which sentenced prisoners were in custody were:

        – Acts intended to cause injury (18%)

        – Sexual assault, unlawful entry with intent, and offences against justice procedures, government security and operations (all 12%). (Table 1)

Graph Image for SENTENCED PRISONERS, median sentence length by selected most serious offence(a), 30 June 2014

Footnote(s): (a) For a definition of most serious offence, see Explanatory Notes, paragraphs 78–79. (b) Offences against justice procedures, government security and operations. (c) For information on aggregate sentence length, see Explanatory Notes, paragraphs 18 and 41. (d) For information on expected time to serve see Explanatory Notes paragraphs 19–41.

Source(s): Prisoners in Australia

Graph Image for PROPORTION OF SENTENCED PRISONERS, aggregate sentence length(a), 30 June 2014

Footnote(s): (a) For information on aggregate sentence length, see Explanatory Notes, paragraph 18.

Source(s): Prisoners in Australia