Finalised defendants
This chapter provides an introduction to the Federal Defendants collection. The following chapter, 'Federal defendants', presents data about finalised defendants with federal charges. The chapter 'Federal offences' presents data about federal offences associated with the federal defendants.
Finalised defendants for this collection include persons charged with Commonwealth criminal offences for each court level, as well as organisations charged with Commonwealth criminal offences for the Higher and Magistrates' Courts. A federal defendant is a finalised defendant who has been charged with at least one offence against Commonwealth legislation, irrespective of whether they have also been charged with any offences under state or territory legislation.
For information on defendants with state or territory offences and/or Commonwealth offences refer to
Criminal Courts, Australia (cat. no. 4513.0).
The Explanatory Notes provide detailed information on data sources, comparability, definitions, counting rules and other technical matters associated with the ABS Federal Defendants collection.